Las Nevadas

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Quackity straightened his collar. Today was the grand opening of Las Nevadas. After years of working, his dream was finally coming true. Beside him, Slime smiled, imitating his boss's moves and fixing his own collar. Purpled, Sam, and Foolish were already on stage. Fundy was nowhere to be found. After his visit to the Nether, the fox had disappeared.

"Show time, Slime. Let's show them what we're made of. The entire server's here, don't let me down."

"I won't let you down, sir!" his energetic apprentice saluted, his eyes lit up with confidence and pride. Quackity smiled. Outside he could hear Sam speaking to the crowd.


Quackity and Slime stepped forward in unison.

"The owner of Las Nevadas himself..."

Quackity was blinded by spotlights as the doors opened. Slime giggled in delight.


The crowd cheered as Quackity approached the edge of the stage, Slime beside him. He waved, grinning. "Hiya folks! How are you lovely people tonight?"

The crowd cheered louder, then hushed as Quackity clapped his hands.

"Well folks, my dream has come true! I spent so long on this project, it's nice to see that people care. Y'know a lot of times I considered giving this up. But I have to admit, any kind of enemy really made me stronger. Speaking of which, Tubbo! Could you come up here?"

Tubbo blushed, slowly pushing through the crowd and up onto the stage. Quackity chuckled, shaking Tubbo's hands. "This guy, with his cookie outpost, really helped me push myself to my limits. That's why this place is so great! Can I get a round of applause for this guy?"

The mob clapped vigorously. Tubbo looked like a tomato, now.

"Enough chit-chat, everyone. Shall we go to the hotel? I think it's time for some gambling and refreshments. Tonight, we'll head to the portal highway entrance for fireworks!" Slime called out. Quackity smiled.

As the audience moved away from the stage and towards the hotel, Slime jumped up and hugged his friend. "We did it!"

"Yes... we did," Quackity replied.

"C'mon, guys!" Purpled yelled to them as he, Foolish, and Sam made their way downstage. Slime followed, dragging the casino owner along with him.


Fireworks exploded above the server's citizens, lighting up the star filled sky. The audience cheered, separating into groups and chatting. The server children ran about the grass, and the Las Nevadas crew hung out near the portal, talking with Kinoko citizens and the Eggpire. Some of the Syndicate chased Tubbo around, telling him to light the fireworks.

"Where's Fundy and Techno?" Sapnap asked Quackity, Karl clinging to his arm (The three fiance's had come to terms with each other, and their wedding would be that fall).

"I don't know," Quackity replied. "Fundy should have been there for the grand opening."

To their right, the portal suddenly glowed purple, pulsing with energy the server had never seen. The group backed away from the portal, huddling closer together. The others looked up, noticing.

Suddenly the portal exploded, purple thorns suddenly shooting towards the others. Karl screamed as 3 of them stabbed his arm, digging into the skin like a blade into a heart. Sapnap rushed in front of his fiance, sheliding them from the other thorns. The crowd watched as the portal grew calm again, and two- no, three figures walked through. Two were Fundy and Technoblade, covered in soot and scratches. Swung over Technoblade's shoulder, a young man with blonde hair and bone crown seemed to be unconscious. Fundy looked about the platform, addressing the server with a grim look. He motioned to Techno, who kneeled down and placed the man on the ground.

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