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I walked out and found Psycho then took my seat.

"Where have you been?" he asked assertively.
"I was in the restroom. There was a long line and I was at the end of it."
"So you ain't hear me callin' your name?"
"No, I heard you. I answered but you didn't hear me." I lied.
"Mm. Alright."
"Where are B and Riot?"
"I don't know. I saw Riot go somewhere with some tramp like half an hour ago. I haven't seen her but he came back about five minutes ago."


Psycho slid me my drink.
"You've just been sittin' here?" I asked him.
"Yea, I don't like these people."
I snickered.

"Um...Hi..." said a woman who'd walked up to us.
I looked at Psycho and sipped my drink.
He looked at her. "Hey."
"Are you two together?" she asked and looked at me.
"Nope, go ahead." I encouraged.
"Oh, okay...um..." She looked back at Psycho. "I just wanted to say you're really hot..." she said nervously.
He just looked at her.
"Um...Can I get you a drink?"
He picked up his glass of liquor.
"Oh...Well okay...I'll see you around."
She walked off.

"Psycho, what the fuck?!" I asked him.
"She was cute and you just shrugged her off!"
"I didn't shrug her off. She left on her own."
I rolled my eyes. "You were cold to her."
"I'm cold to everyone."
"Well, yea, but do better. How do you expect to get a girlfriend while being so stand-off-ish?"
"Hasn't stopped me before." he claimed and sat back.

He'll never not be the most antisocial person on this planet.


We were on our way back home and sat in silence.

"We gotta visit Zachariah tomorrow." B stated.
"Aww yay." I said happily.

The other two didn't respond.

I'm probably the only one who ever gets excited to visit my godfather. They act like they have a court date and they're guilty. It makes me feel bad. We're always split up whenever we go and the boys get alone time to speak to their father in a sound proof room while I sit in the kitchen after Zachariah tells the chef to make me something to eat. So I never know what happens in there. I don't attend their meetings but I do know that the boys are a bit afraid of him.

"And?" Riot asked.
"That's it. He told us to come tomorrow at noon."
Silence again.
"He didn't say why?" I wondered.

"I'm sure it's fine." I told them optimistically.
Silence again.

"You guys haven't done anything wrong so-..."
"Leila." B called.
"Leave it alone."

It was hard to. I didn't want them to be scared but I guess nothing I say would ease that fear.

We made it back home and they all went their separate ways. The entire aura of the house was gloomy. After receiving the news about visiting their father it's like whatever little ounce of joy they had, had spilled out of their bodies.

I followed Psycho and we went to his room.

"You okay?" I asked.
He just looked at me as he sat down.
"Your hair came out really nice. Do you like it?"
"That's good."

Silence again.

"Maybe tomorrow will be better than usual." I stated.
"You say that every time. And every time you're wrong. But it's cute that you try. I appreciate it."
"I'm sorry."
"It's not your fault." he insisted.
"I guess..."
"Should really be asking B if he's alright. I'm the least of your worries."
"Yea. I'll do that. I'll talk to you in the morning."

I left his room then headed to B's.

When I got there I knocked on the door.

He opened it and stood in a wifebeater and sweatpants.

"Yea?" he asked and walked away from the open door.
I walked in after him. "Are you okay?"
"Why wouldn't I be okay?" he wondered ignorantly.
I just looked at him.
"I'm fine." he stated.
I continued to stare.
"I'm serious, Leila."
"It doesn't feel like it." I argued.
"Why don't it?"
"Because you like to lie to me about what you're feeling."
He scoffed and looked away from me.
"I'm serious, B. You're never honest with me when I ask how you are. Never. If we're being honest, only Psycho gets as close to being truthful as it gets. The rest of you will bottle it up until you get the opportunity to hit someone. Then I realize that you were never really okay."
Which makes me worry about them all the more.
"Alright, Leila."
"No, don't 'alright' me. I don't know who used to treat you people like what you felt didn't matter but it's not true. I care about all three of you. I care about how you're feeling and I care about you feeling better."
He looked at me.
I just stared back.

"No, I'm not okay." he answered truthfully.
"Thank you for your honesty."
"But there ain't shit you can do about it but tolerate it. I'll be alright in the future. I'm just not for right now."
"Okay, B."
"I appreciate your concern."
"Now go get some rest. We gotta leave early to get there on time."

I nodded. "Goodnight, B."
"Goodnight, brat."

I softly closed his door behind me.

There was one more I needed to visit.

I made it to Riot's door and knocked.

"What?" he asked and I opened the door.

"Hi..." I greeted.
"Hey." He was sitting on his bed.
I closed his door behind me.

"You okay?" I asked as I approached him.
He took my hand and pulled me to him. I stood between his legs as his hands lifted my dress. He began kissing my stomach gently.

Of course.
The one that solves his problems with sex.

I slid my hand under his chin and lifted his face to look at me.

"Answer me." I commanded.

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