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Apparently, to stay home, Riot told B that he was sick so whenever B got home, I smeared a bit of red eye shadow under Riot's eyes and sprayed him with a bit of water so he looked sweaty and miserable.

"Fake cough." I commanded.
"Fake cough! Do it!"
He did it and he's a terrible actor.
"Do it like you mean it. Hack a little."
He rolled his eyes then did it again.
I giggled at him. "You're so cute."
"Oh my god." he sighed and left the bathroom.

"Take the stairs!" I told him.

I could hear his groan.

I grabbed a small towel and headed towards the elevator.

When I got downstairs, B and Psycho were taking their jackets off and putting them on the coat rack by the front door.

I covered my mouth and nose with the towel.

"What're you doin'?" B asked me.
"That asshole is sick. I refuse to catch a cold." I stated.

I went and stood behind B then turned and saw Riot glaring at me. I blew him a kiss. He scoffed and shook his head.

"You look like shit." B told him.
"I feel like shit too." Riot replied. He even changed his voice to sound sickly and raspy.
"Gross." I stated.
He looked at me and I smiled. I knew I was pushing it but it was funny.

B's head turned and he looked at me from the side.
"You got a plane to catch, don't you?" he asked me and I was confused. He faced Riot again. "She can't get sick so watch it."
"What plane?" Me, Riot, and Psycho asked together.
"To London. You goin' with him, ain't you?"
I froze and looked at Riot.

"Lei, what's he talkin' about?" Psycho asked.
"Yea, what's he talkin' about?" Riot repeated.
I couldn't look at him so I faced Psycho instead as he waited for an answer.
"Jack got an offer from famous artist to buy one of his pieces..."
My throat felt tight.
"The artist wants Jack to go to Italy for a year and spend it participating in one of his art shows and..." I felt like crying because this wasn't how he was supposed to find out.
I looked at Riot. He looked like he already knew what I was about to say.
"Jack wants me to go with him back to London to get his materials and see his home studio...and then spend a year with him in Italy..." I said with watery eyes.
He looked like I shot him and his gaze left me.

His hand wiped over his face as the other rested on his hip. He turned around and just walked back up the stairs.

My tears fell.

"I didn't think you'd want me to go..." I told B.
"Well, when he first told me, I wanted to curse him out. But then I remembered you seem pretty happy with him and...I trust him. So why not?"

'You were supposed to be my reason to say no...'

He walked off towards his office.
I looked up and saw Psycho.

"A year?" he asked. His eyes were wet too.
I nodded.
"Are you gonna go?..."
I sniffed. "I don't know..."
He nodded and walked off too.

I'd feel so bad for leaving them. I didn't really want to.
I thought about Riot then travelled back upstairs.

I made it to his room and opened the door. He was just pacing inside and ignored my entrance.

"Get out." he commanded.
"No...I was gonna tell you..."
"Tell me when? Hm?"
I looked at him. His eyes were redder. I hadn't put that much eyeshadow on him.
"I didn't tell him yes..."
My tears fell more and I looked at the floor.

"Unbelievable..." he sighed and paced some more.

"Riot, I'm sorry..." I tried to hug him and he yanked away from me.
"Don't touch me, man. Get out."
"I'm sorry!"
"No...please..." I reached for his hand and he pulled it back.
"Stop tryin' to touch me. You don't care about me. You just wanted me to make you feel worth somethin'."
"No! That's not true!"
"Get out of my room, Leila."
"Riot, please hear me out..."
"He didn't win..."
"How if you were thinkin' about it?" he asked.

I just stood there.

"I don't have you. Because if I did, you would have said no. You would have told him no and we wouldn't be havin' this conversation right now. You couldn't tell him NO, LEILA!"
I cried into my hands.

I felt him beginning to push me towards the door.

"NO!" I shouted. "RIOT, STOP! JUST TALK TO ME!"
He kept shoving me until we reached the door and he grabbed my arm then slung me out. I fell onto the floor.
"Go to London. Or Italy. Wherever the fuck he's takin' you. Go. I don't give a fuck. I want you to leave me alone."
He slammed his door shut.

I stared at it, sitting on my knees, as I heard it lock and my tears ran.

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