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Today was the day I go to Jack's studio. He had to set up so he couldn't bring me which meant I was taking my driver and a bodyguard.

"Rayne, can you do me a favor?" I asked as we sat in the backseats.
"What is it?"
"Can you like...go get lunch or some shopping done while I'm with Jack?"
He looked at me.
"It's just...I don't know I kinda want it to be a private thing and you'll be there and..."
"I hear you." he stated.
"You do?"
"Yea, you want alone time with your little crush. Fine. But I'll be calling you every fifteen minutes to check in on you."
"Okay, that's fine!"
"And don't tell the big three that I left you alone. I'm really very expendable and they'd have no problem killing me."
I snickered. "I won't tell them. I promise."


We arrived at the studio and I nervously got out of the car. I didn't know why I was so nervous, it wasn't my first time seeing him but I felt butterflies.

I knocked on the door and crossed my arms in the cold.

It was opened.

Jack stood in front of me in a tight short sleeve white tee and jeans that had a few paint stains. His body was amazing. Broad shoulders, large pecs, a small waist with defined abs.

"Afternoon, gorgeous." he greeted and held the door open for me.
I stepped inside. "Good afternoon." I smiled.

It was warm in here. Whoever put in a heater did a phenomenal job because it was still freezing outside since it's January but it was toasty inside. Which explained why Jack could wear a short sleeve shirt.

"I hung up a curtain over there for you to get undressed, there's also a satin sheet on the other side in case you'd be more comfortable being wrapped in it than being completely exposed. I know this is your first time doing this and I don't want you to feel uneasy."
That's was nice of him.
"You're sweet." I told him as I walked over to the curtain.

I disappeared behind it and started getting undressed. I stripped down to my underwear and looked down. Lastly I took that off as well.

I wrapped myself in the large satin sheet and exited from the curtain.

"I have a question." I stated.
"I'm intrigued."
"How long will you be here?"
"Well, I live on my own schedule so I'm here for however long I want to be here." he claimed as he went through his paint brushes.
"That's nice."
"I like to think so."
"How old are you?"
"I'm 26."
He snickered. "Leila..."
"Are you getting tired of me asking questions?"
"No, darling. I like listening to your voice." He looked up and smiled at me before walking to stand in front of his paints.
Butterflies are back. He's so nice.

I watched him as he kept looking back at me then back at the paint. He'd take a tiny spatula and scoop a little of one color then spread it lightly onto his palette. He was only using white, grey, and black, but making different shades of the colors.

"Yes, love?"
Well now I felt like giggling. "Do you only ever paint in black and white?"
He thought about it. "I suppose not. But for things that require red undertones, I do."
"I'm red green colorblind. So paintings in nature or of other people I typically just make black and white to limit confusion and my own frustration."
"So you couldn't tell that my dress was red at the gallery?"
"No, I could not. I saw more of a dark brown. Beautiful nonetheless." he said as he scraped more paint.

I smiled to myself.
I've never experienced such polite compliments. They're usually vulgar and inappropriate. There was something warm and comforting about the way Jack complimented me. It wasn't sexual. He wasn't telling me that I had the perfect lips to suck him off or a nice ass. He just genuinely thought that I was pretty.

"You know what I like about you?" he began.
"What?" I smiled in curiosity.
He looked at me. "That."
"That. Your smile. It's lovely."
"Oh, thank you...I like yours too." I said happily.
"Do you?"

He walked over to his canvas.

"Would you prefer to stay wrapped in the sheet or would you like to be unraveled?" he asked. "It's fine either way."
I walked over to my area and slipped the sheet off of my body, standing in front of him.

"Oh-..." he said as he stared at me.
"Is this okay?" I checked.
"Perfect." he answered.

I smiled.

"You can pick any pose you like." he offered.
He snickered. "Would you like help?"
"Yes, please."
"Alright." He got up and walked over to a wooden stool. He picked it up and brought it to me. Then set it in front of me. "Can you try to sit to the side on this?"

I sat to the side with one leg over the other.

"Good. Now take your arms and place them over your chest."
I crossed my arms.
He snickered. "No. Like this." He showed me what he meant and put one of his arms above the other, making his hands hold onto his shoulders and his arms cover his chest.
I copied him.
"Wonderful. Is that comfortable?"
"Yea, I'm okay."

He walked back to his easel and sat down.

"Now just hold that spot for me. Tell me if you get tired and we can take a break."
I nodded.
"You look so cute." he smiled.

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