❤︎Dancing With Malleus❤︎

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"Hey, Tsuno.. you really didn't have to walk me back." Yuu was holding hands with Malleus and walking to their dorm. It was below freezing and snow covered the campus, so the dragons breath turned into big clouds as he walked.

"Would you rather I didn't?" Malleus' palm was soft and he had a strong hold on Yuu's hand.

"Of course not Tsuno." Yuu said it quickly, looking up at Malleus.

"Okay. Why do you call me Tsunotarou?"

"Well first, I don't know your name.. and second, your horns are pretty." Yuu smiled, stepping into the front entrance of Ramshackle. There was music in the background.

Damned ghosts.

"Seems like your ghost friends love classical composers." Malleus stepped inside to hold Yuu's hand and spin them slowly. "Do you dance?"

"Oh no no. I don't dance." Yuu wasn't about to embarrass themself. Malleus was probably classically trained or something.

"Really?" He tilted his head. "I don't bite."


"You know what I mean." He squeezed Yuu's hand and smiled. "If you won't dance now.. will you come to the winter ball next month?"

"It's mandatory, silly."

"Well... I meant with me? As my date. I know I won't get invited by anyone, so I'm inviting you to avoid a lonely night." He had slipped one of his hands to Yuu's waist, giving them a turn and doing a few waltz steps. Yuu smiled. They couldn't even be nervous about the dancing. They'd just been asked to the winter ball by the guy they've liked for months.

"I'll go with you."

"Really?" Malleus was quite stiff when he danced. Yuu found it cute, so they moved their hands to his shoulders and looked up at him while they swayed to the music. His body relaxed when Yuu touched him.

"Yes, really. I'll go with you to the ball."

"You may not like me afterwards. It's like I said before. People at this school don't enjoy my presence very much."

"Mhm.. that's why we always meet at Ramshackle, or in the forest, but like I've said before. I like you, so it doesn't matter what other people think." Yuu brought their hands up to Malleus' cheeks, cupping his face. He shivered a little bit and set his hand over theirs. "You surprise me every time I see you." He moved his hands against Yuu's waist, setting his forehead against theirs. They blushed a bit, circling his neck with their arms.

The music played quietly in the background while Malleus continued the steps to his waltz, improvising so he could keep Yuu close.

"We should wear green to the ball."

"Of course you would say that." Malleus smiled.

"Oh shush , it's ironic."

"I like the idea."

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