I beg your pardon? | The Freshmen 5

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A/n: The freshmen 5 are Ace, Deuce, Epel, Jack, and Sebek. Enjoy.

Sebek felt terrible. He'd never had a serious crush before, and now that he did it just had to be a guy with a boyfriend. It seemed like out of the people he knew, everyone was dating. Ace had Deuce and unfortunately... Jack had Epel.

He'd realized he had a crush on Epel too late. As soon as he mustered up the courage to ask him out he was holding hands with Jack. It seemed like they were trying to hide it, and it was effective on everyone. Except for Sebek. He watched Epel too much to not notice the quick kisses Jack would give him when no one was watching, or the way they poked fun at each other.

He was friends with them. He worked out with Jack, and him and Epel always hung out together. He couldn't just keep it a secret. So he had to let them know. If he didn't, the guilt would eat at him for as long as he lived.
Sebek found Jack and Epel at lunch with Ace and Deuce. They were all talking and hanging out. He walked over and asked Jack to come with him. "I need to talk to you. Can we go somewhere quiet."

"Um, sure." He spoke to Epel, then Deuce and Ace.

"We'll be here when you get back." Epel waved when they left.

"We're spying aren't we?" Epel turned to the others.

"He's our boyfriend, duh." Ace rolled his eyes, taking a bite out of a roll and standing up.

"It's just Sebek, they aren't doing anything wrong." Deuce grabbed Ace's sleeve.

"But I'm still curious, let's go." Ace pulled Deuce to stand and the three of them stalked out of the cafeteria, finding where the other two were talking and listening in.

"Jack, you're one of my closest friends at this school. I can't keep this to myself anymore, and the guilt is practically unbearable! So I know it may cause a strain on our friendship but I need to let you know, and I don't plan on making any moves!"

"Spit it out, then. You're making me nervous." Jack set his hand at the back of his neck. He'd always thought Sebek was a great guy, and the others already said if they ended up together they wouldn't mind. Part of him was hoping he was confessing to him.

"Is he about to ask him out?" Epel covered Deuce's mouth as soon as he said that.

"I have feelings for Epel. I realized I did about a week before I figured out you two were dating. I didn't mean to fall for him, but it simply happened. So I hope you understand if I distance myself from you both until I resolve these feelings within myself! I hope this doesn't spark anything possessive in you and we'll be able to continue as we are in time!"

"Damn. You like Epel? And here I thought you were asking me out."

"Oh I could never! Your dorm is a rival of mine. I'm sure it would be an act of treason to pursue you."

"It's fine... but about Epel. I'm not the one you've gotta worry about. Ace is the possessive one."

"I beg your pardon?"

Ace walked in with Epel. He was walking straight for Sebek and Epel was holding his waist, trying to pull him back. "Ace! Be nice!" Deuce followed behind them. "Babe, I'm so sorry! I tried to tell them not to come spying, but-"

"It's fine. I knew you were there. I could smell your shampoo."

Ace looked up at Sebek. "So you wanna date my boyfriend, huh?"

"I'm sorry! I was under the impression that-" He bowed his head.

"Ace, stop making him panic. He's confused." Jack pulled him over. Epel started speaking to Deuce. "You should've grabbed Ace instead. We probably wouldn't be in this dilemma.."

"You did great, don't worry."

"I beg your pardon but, who is dating who!"

"Oh." The other four spoke in unison.

"Well... we should probably explain-"

And the bell rang just then.

"After class." Deuce took Ace's hand and yanked him off. They immediately started bickering.

Epel and Jack both waved, leaving Sebek confused and flustered.
Later they met in Heartslabyul, using a big whiteboard Riddle had so they could explain their relationship.

"So, that's what that word means..."

"Yes, and we're all polyamorous." Epel had the dry erase marker and wrote a letter down for each of them in a square, drawing lines from each one.

"Are you all dating each other?" Sebek looked at everyone.

"Yes and no. I'll explain it." He started to write and talk. "So I'm dating everyone. Jack is dating me and Ace. Deuce is dating me and Ace. Ace is dating everyone. Deuce and Jack aren't dating each other, but they're still in some kind of complicated relationship that makes sense to them. The only difference is they don't call each other boyfriends. They're just friends."

"Okay so... you EVERYONES dating except Jack and Deuce are complicated? Got it."

"Yep. That's how our polycule works right now. There are other little side relationships that aren't a part of our main relationship. Like Deuce and Riddle have something going on at the side."

"Oh, so do me and Kalim." Epel spoke up.

"Kalim has a thing with everyone on campus-"


"Wait wait, so, is it okay for me to like Epel then?"

Ace pouted. "Meh."

"Of course it is. But you've obviously gotta ask him first." Deuce glared at Ace

"Oh, yes! I absolutely forgot!" He looked at Epel. "Epel-"

"Of course, Sebek." He smiled. "Just let me know where you wanna go on this date and I'm there."

"Does this mean I'll be like Riddle, or Kalim? On the outside?"

"I mean you don't have to be..." Jack mumbled.


"For now yes, but let us know if you want to get to know the rest of us more. We'd definitely like to get to know you." Deuce smiled, setting a hand on Jack's thigh knowingly. "And don't mind Ace. He just doesn't want Epel getting hurt."

Ace nodded, smiling just a little for Epel's sake. "I'll end you if you hurt his feelings."

Sebek nodded and waved back. "I understand! I'll be on my way. I will contact you, Epel. Thank you for explaining all this to me."

He bowed his head and ducked off.

"He's super cute." Deuce smiled.

"I wish I was you, Epel." Jack's ears flattened and he laid in Epel's lap. "I got my hopes up."

"Don't worry. You can always ask him out another time. I think he would say yes." Epel smiled

Ace hugged Epel and sat at his side. "Sorry."

"Don't worry. You only intimidated a nice guy."

"He probably wasn't intimidated. Isn't he a bodyguard or something. I'm just sorry for being so grumpy though. You know I get nervous."

"We all know." Deuce rolled his eyes.

"Yeah yeah, whatever. Come here." Ace pulled Deuce into the cuddle pile and they were all asleep within minutes.

A/n: love the poly freshmen :(( I'll write more about them later!

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