❤︎Homesick with Ruggie ❤︎

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A/n: Ruggie is one of my favorites but I couldn't come up with any ideas, so I got this inspo from an anon request on TWSTlibrary on tumblr. Also this is sooo short, but it's 3 am and I can't sleep until I do this.

It had been two weeks since you started turning up at Savanaclaw. Yuu didn't know why but even though they were abrasive, and generally rude, Ruggie made them feel comfortable. He seemed familiar. Yuu guessed that someone the used to know probably acted like him. So they wrote it off as homesickness. Surprisingly, Ruggie never complained though.

He didn't think he was overly attached to them, but maybe he was. When they spoke to him he couldn't help but feel warm. It was like they reminded him of home. He rarely was treated with compassion, or like a friend, so Yuu was different.

They remembered the things he liked and they cared about how he was doing, which was more than he expected from anyone, so maybe he was just missing home. Or maybe Yuu felt more like home than the badlands. He felt stupid for thinking that. Especially since he was so sure Yuu just wanted something from him.

So when Yuu showed up at his dorm that day he told them to go away. Unfortunately, they were more stubborn than him, and eventually he just opened the door for them.

"What do you want?"

"Well, I just wanted to make sure you were okay. You never texted me yesterday like you said you woul-"

"Why are you so interested in me all of a sudden?"


"When you first got here you rarely looked my way, but now you show up a few times a week without fail. What's up with that."

"I like being around you-"

"Wrong. That's wrong. Why do you really want to be around me? Do you want to get closer to Leona or something? Or are you trying to pity me because of what happened during winter break?"

"Ruggie, that's not why I hang out with you. It's not Leona, and it's not pity. You just feel like..." They paused for a minute. "God this is gonna sound weird."

"Just talk."

"You feel like home, okay?"


"When I'm around you I feel at home. Like everything's okay and I'm not in a strange world with people who won't help me..." Yuu was rambling.

"I-I feel the same way.."

"You do?"

"I do."

"Then why did you try to push me away..?"

"I genuinely thought you were trying to use me."

"I wouldn't." Yuu looked down.

"I know that now.."

"So.. I can stay? We can still hang out?"

"If you're that desperate we can hang out." He nudged Yuu.

"Oh, be nice!" Yuu shoved him.

"I'll be nice when I'm dead." And for once he was happy he wasn't.

A/n: um yay this one makes me happy. Happy early Ruggie day gonna cry now 🫤🫤🫤

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