A/n: Let's get into it
Why would he ask them of all people?
"Yuu? Would you like to come with me down the forest trail sometime soon? We could go on horseback. Maybe I can show you a view or two."Of course." Yuu couldn't deny. They were curious. Was this a date?
Sure, Silver fell asleep on them in class occasionally, and they never pushed him away, but they rarely talked. They were just comfortable with each other.So why did he ask them on such a strange outing for the first time they hung out?
"Silver?" Yuu was sitting down on a bench in the stables. Silver was kneeling in front of them and lacing their boots.
"Yes?" He looked up at them through his bangs
"I can figure it out on my own you know." They retracted their foot just the slightest bit. Silver only held the laces firmer.
"I'd rather you not have to. I ride horseback often, so this will be faster." He gave a little bit of a half smile and tapped the back of Yuu's boot. "Does it fit?"
"Like a glove." Yuu held Silver's hand and pulled themself to stand. "Are we riding different horses?"
"Would you like to?" He put a helmet on Yuu's head and buckled it.
"I've never done this, so if you have a spot in mind you'd like to stop at maybe we shouldn't. It'll take a while."
"If you think that's best." He put his own helmet on and led Yuu to a pretty white horse.
"Aw, what's it's name." Yuu pet the horses head.
"Her name is Borealis." He helped Yuu get one foot in the stirrup leather and lifted them over with secure hands on their waist and arm respectively. "There we go."
Before Yuu regrouped from being dropped onto a horse Silver was on in front of them. "Here we are. Hold onto me if you need to."
Yuu nodded and put their arms around Silver's waist, watching the scenery as they rode. He didn't talk much, but the silence was comfortable.
"How often do you go on this trail?"
"Quite often. I take naps out here in the place I'm taking you to. There are also lots of fruit trees that we can pick from if you'd like a snack when we get there."
"Oh, really? This sounds like quite the place."
"I hope you like it."
They rode for about half an hour before Silver spoke again. "We're almost there. Hang on."
Borealis jumped over a small creek, causing Yuu to hold on tighter. They were fast asleep by now.
Silver glanced back since they were leaning on him. "Oh, isn't that ironic." After a while he stopped, patting Yuu's knee. "We're here."
They jumped, waking up and squeezing Silver a bit tighter.
"You're like a python you hold on so tight." Silver winced.
"I'm sorry." Yuu let go of him.
"I didn't mind, until I couldn't breathe anymore." He got down from the horse next to the stream, giving her an apple. "We'll be back in less than an hour. Thank you for the ride Borealis." Then he helped Yuu down.
Yuu pet the horses back and followed Silver. They were in a large flower field on a hill. "Oh my god, it's gorgeous!" They ran off from Silver immediately.
"Wait!" Silver wasn't in the mood to run, but Yuu clearly was. "Slow down!" He chased after them. Eventually Yuu stopped in their tracks and Silver slammed right into them. He covered his mouth when they fell, face planting into the grass.
"Yuu, I am so sorr-" He went tumbling when Yuu grabbed his ankle, yanking him down.
Silver sat up and spat out a daisy. "Ew."
This just caused Yuu to erupt into laughter. "You're laughing at me."
"Maybe a little bit."
When they didn't stop giggling Silver smiled, laying next to them in the tall grass. "Thank you for coming here with me."
"Thank you for inviting me. Why did you, anyways?"
"I wanted to gain the courage to get closer to you, and the old man said that I should just go for it. So I did."
"Get closer to me?" Yuu propped themself up on their elbow. "In what way?"
"I'm not sure yet. I just know I like being around you." He took his helmet off and rustled his hair a bit.
"I do too. We should hang out outside of class more."
"I agree. I could always teach you how to ride a horse. We could race sometime. That's always cool." He unclipped Yuu's helmet. They took it off and shook their head, straightening up their hair if it needed it.
"I'd kick your ass in a race." They punched him in the arm gently.
"You think so?" He yawned a bit. "Well it'll keep things exciting. Maybe I won't fall asleep." He slung an arm around Yuu and laid fully in the grass. Yuu smiled. "You're about to fall asleep now aren't you?"
They were met with a quiet snore and nothing else.
"I guess a half hour shouldn't hurt."
A neigh woke the both of them up."Oh I'm sorry Borealis. How long has it been?"
Yuu pulled out their phone. "Two hours. We should get back." They stood and pulled Silver to his feet. He helped them with their helmet and then put on his own before he got on his horse. "Take my hand. Put this foot in the leather."
Yuu boosted themself up with the stirrup and Silvers hand, setting both hands on his shoulders after. "Today was fun. I needed to recharge anyways."
"Anytime." Silver shrugged, mumbling a 'hold on' while Borealis jumped over the creek. Then they were on their way back to campus.
A/n: I like this one it's a cute blurb I love cute blurbs

Twisted Wonderland One-Shots
Fanfiction⚠️Reqs are closed for now⚠️ ⚠️I only take requests by dm!!!⚠️ I'm just a college student with too much love for twisted wonderland, too many ideas in my head and not enough time.