May we meet again

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"Everyone! Get back to work! We still got to be ready!" Sage yelled for the crowd

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"Everyone! Get back to work! We still got to be ready!" Sage yelled for the crowd.
Most of them looked at her in disgust, shaking their heads before obeying her and turned to work.

Sage turned and looked at the drop ship again.
"Finley?" Octavia questioned her, a hint of fear growing bigger in her voice.
"Is he going to kill him?"

Sage didn't turn to face the girl by her side. She kept her teary eyes on the closed drop ship door.
"I don't know..." She sighed, knowing the real answer was yes.


After standing there for about ten minutes, Jasper had joined Raven to find a way inside the ship, to get Bellamy out of there. Sage had convinced them not to shoot Murphy, but she still had a bad feeling. Suddenly, a gunshot was fired from inside the drop ship. Octavia flinched and put the radio to her mouth with shaky hands.

"Bellamy?" She said, praying to get an answer.
"Bellamy! Are you ok?" She yelled.
"Bellamy! Do you copy?" She let out next, not giving up. The girl gave Sage a murderous look.

It took a few seconds before Bellamy's voice crackled through the radio.
"I'm fine. Just a misfire." He assured.
"Now stop worrying about me and get back to work. All of you." He said, almost as he could see that the teenagers had stopped at the sound of the gunshot.
He took a break.
"And tell Raven to hurry her ass up."
Then the radio went silent.

Octavia turned and looked at the teens around the drop ship with terrified expressions.
"You heard what he said. Get back to work." She commanded lowly and nodded to someone in front to take command.
Octavia moved her eyes over to Sage again.

"Look, if he dies in there..." The girl started.
"Don't you dare finish that sentence." Sage hissed and cut her off.
"He won't, ok? Raven's going to save him."
Octavia got silent for a moment before taking a step closer.

"You're a fool if you believe Murphy's gonna be allowed to stay here after this. This time, they'll kill him." Octavia got a bit more friendly tone again. Sage didn't bother looking at her.
"Thank you for reminding me." She grunted, trying to hide the pain she felt at the thought of loosing Murphy for good this time.

"Finley..." Octavia reached out her hand and touched Sage's arm. Sage's eyes traveled to meet the brunette by her side.

Octavia opened her mouth, but got cut off by another gunshot. They both swiftly looked back at the drop ship in fear.
"No..." Octavia whispered under her breath.
Sage looked at Octavia, surprised that she didn't say anything into the radio.

She quickly snapped the radio out of the young Blake's hands and put it to her lips.
"John? I know you hear me." She started, earning a horrific stare from Octavia.
"Think about this. They won't let you stay here." A small tear escaped her eye and slid down her cheek.
The radio didn't come with any answer.
She took a deep, shaky breath before speaking into the radio again.
"They'll kill you." Her voice cracked and she choked a cry.
"Please don't do this." She begged silently so only the other end of the radio could hear.

Thirst for vengeance (continuation) - John MurphyWhere stories live. Discover now