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I suck at writing actual POV's and not texts. Anyways enjoy :D

ᴇsᴛᴇʟʟᴇ's ᴘᴏᴠ

"I can't believe it took you 10 minutes to get out of the car."

"Well, I am sorry that your car is impossible to open!" I glared at Atsumu. "The door literally opens upward!"

"My baby is just cool like that! Don't disrespect her."

"Your 'baby' almost killed me when I fell out of her!"

"That's not her fault!"

Finally, after 10 minutes of falling out of the car and grabbing my bags, we were in front of Kenma's front door. "Bro, do we just knock?" Atsumu and I stared at the door dumbfounded.

"I don't know? He is your friend."

"This is so awkward. Do I just be like 'AYO CATBOY OPEN UP!!'"

"I don't know, I just usually bust down the door."


"Because Sakusa never answers when I knock."

"Oh, should I try kicking it down then?"


Taking a deep sigh, I took one step back from the door. "Oh shit- are you actually doing it?" Atsumu questioned.

"Am I not supposed to?" I turned my head and looked at him. "Don't let me stop you." He took a step away from the door, so he wouldn't be in the impact zone.

"Count me down," I stared at the door menacingly thinking it was Bokuto. 'I am lowkey so weak, lets hope this works.' Putting a serious face on, I stretched my muscles.


"Yeah, let's knock down this bitch!"

Atsumu stepped even further away from the door.


deep breath...


I tilt my head to the side cracking it.


Kenma opened the door confused by why his two friends are yelling outside his door.

"What's going o-"

"FBI OPEN UP." I kicked open the door with all my strength.

"Did it open?"

I looked down expecting a door knocked over, but instead it was Kenma holding his stomach in pain?



Atsumu was trying hard not to laugh, as Kenma held onto his stomach in pain.

"I AM SO SORRY KENMA!" I ran and tried to help Kenma. "Ow Estelle get off me, that hurts." He began to swat me away.

"Kenma are you okay?!?"

"Estelle, stop grabbing my ears!"



By now, Atsumu was rolling around on the floor laughing. 'Kenma just got kicked in the stomach, and this mofo is laughing?'

"Why were you trying to kick down my door?" Kenma questioned in pain. "ATSUMU SAID TOO!"

ᴛᴇxᴛɪɴɢ ʏᴏᴜ; 𝓀. 𝐵𝑜𝓀𝓊𝓉𝑜Where stories live. Discover now