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@TheCorruptingOne- Harry, you alright?

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@TheCorruptingOne- Harry, you alright?

919 likes, 16 comments

TheStarOne- Mhm! I'm Okay! I can't just randomly hug my boyfriend? Rude.

TheRedHeadedBoy- I can confirm that he is okay-

TheRedHeadedBoy- I think.

TheManzToRedHead- How do you not know, Ron?

TheCorruptingOne- Yea, Isn't Harry like- your best friend?

AestheticGirl- Oh Harry...whatever is bothering you, you can tell us. We're all friends, you know. Well....asides from Draco, he is your bf.

TheRedHeadedBoy- He is my best's just....he's been like....distancing himself from me...

Messages between TheStarOne and TheRedHeadedBoy

TheRedHeadedBoy: Harry....? Are you Okay....?

TheStarOne: I'm Okay Ron, I'm sorry for worrying you.

TheRedHeadedBoy: It's okay mate. Is everything okay?

TheStarOne: Yea, everything is okay, I assure you.


TheRedHeadedBoy has created a Group chat with TheCorruptingOne, AestheticGirl, ItsToughToBeALesbian, ThePlantsThough, TheManzToRedHead, TalkToMe, IDontWantToBeAnIrishBoy, and YouAreJustShort.

TheCorruptingOne: Weasley? The Hell-?

ItsToughToBeALesbian: Is everything okay? I just saw Dray's post.

TheRedHeadedBoy: I don't know why, but I get the feeling that everything isn't alright with Harry.

AestheticGirl: Now that Ron mentions it....I do have something to share...but, it could be nothing and I was just imagining things.

TheCorruptingOne: Well?! Spill!

AestheticGirl: So, I went to the Gryffindor dorms to ask Harry for help on something. When I got to his door, I heard him, possibly in his sleep, saying things like 'please stop!' or 'it hurts! Stop please!'....I worried for him, I walked in and he was already, he wasn't IN his dorm.

TheRedHeadedBoy: .....You didn't imagine it. It actually happened....he came to me crying....he and Draco may be dating but....something you don't know about Harry is.....he's insecure. I can't say I wouldn't be the same if I had his past....

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