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@ThePlantsThough- EEEE I heard someone that someone is going to Hogwarts is going to have a new student which means that we can pressure them to get Instagram! EEEE but, lets admire the plants and the one who took the photo

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@ThePlantsThough- EEEE I heard someone that someone is going to Hogwarts is going to have a new student which means that we can pressure them to get Instagram! EEEE but, lets admire the plants and the one who took the photo.

Tagged: @TheStarOne

6m likes, 90 comments

@TheCorruptingOne- Is that where my boyfriend disappeared to?

@TheStarOne- Mhm, I'm sorry...I didn't really get a choice, she also bribed me with Treacle Tart. She didn't let me tell you.

@TheCorruptingOne- Baby, I'm not upset with you. Would you like me to come over?

@TheStarOne- Really..?

@TheCorruptingOne- Of course love 💖. Lovegood, I swear, you better run and not let me see you for a week.

@TheStarOne- Wait, a new student....a-at Hogwarts...?

@TheBitchyOne- Isn't that WHAT she JUST SAID, Harry?!



@TheRedHeadedBoy- Hermione, do us ALL a favor and leave us alone.

@ThePlantsThough- I just blocked her, we shouldn't be able to hear from her for a while. Is Harry okay? @TheCorruptingOne

@TheCorruptingOne- He's okay. I mean, Hermione really scares him. That, he kept saying that he wanted Hedwig.

@TheRedHeadedBoy- He got the bird from Hagrid before he started at the school.

@TheCorruptingOne- You think he has PTSD?

@TheManzToRedHead- Oh yea, 100%

-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-A Few Hours Later-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-

TheStarOne has created a group chat with TheCorruptingOne, TheRedHeadedBoy, AestheticGirl, ItsToughToBeALesbian, ThePlantsThough, TheManzToRedHead, TalkToMe, IDontWantToBeAnIrishBoy, and YouAreJustShort.

TheStarOne has named the groupchat to 'I don't know anymore.'

TheStarOne: Don't ask.

AestheticGirl: Alright, Harry.

TheCorruptingOne: He meant about the group chat, Chang. Love, are you okay?

TheStarOne: Yea...I suppose so. Anyway, I heard something about a new student attending Hogwarts from Luna's post?

ThePlantsThough: Yesssss! I can't wait! I heard that she's met Harry before!

TheStarOne: I guess I'll have to wait until we meet her or she gets Instagram.

Messages between TheStarOne and NewUser

NewUser: Harry?! :0

TheStarOne: Um...h-hi...?

NewUser: Harry, it's me! Electra Buckthorn!

TheStarOne: E-Electra....? I-Is it r-really you...?

NewUser: One and Only! Lucius enrolled me here! Just to keep an eye on you of course!

TheStarOne: Electra! I missed you! And, that now makes 11 people trying to help me! ^^

BuckTheThornElctra: Wow! That's a lot of people Harry! I also heard that you have a boyfriend?! Lucius' son at that?! 🤩🥺

TheStarOne: Yea...I do. And, I know. I can't wait for you to meet my friends and boyfriend even though you've met Draco before. I'm going to add you!

TheStarOne has added BuckTheThornElectra to 'I don't know anymore.'

TheCorruptingOne: ELECTRA?!

TheStarOne: Mhm! Everyone, meet Electra Buckthorn!

TheRedHeadedBoy: Hey! I'm Ron Weasley! Harry's best friend!

AestheticGirl: Hello, it's nice to meet you, Electra, I'm Cho Chang.

ItsToughToBeALesbian: Welcome, Electra! I'm Pansy Parkinson!

ThePlantsThough: Welcome to the group chat, Electra, I'm Luna Lovegood!

TheManzToRedHead: Hello Electra, I'm Blaise Zabini, Ron's boyfriend!

TalkToMe: I welcome you, Electra. I am Nevill Longbottom.

IDontWantToBeAnIrishBoy: I'm Seamus Finnagin

YouAreJustShort: And I'm Dean Thomas.

BuckTheThornElctra: And I know the other two. Nice to meet you all! Draco Malfoy, you hurt Harry's feelings, Lucius will be the LEAST of your problems. ^^

TheCorruptingOne: If she's the new student, I swear-

TheStarOne: She is, Dray! ^0^

ThePlantsThough: Harry...! You're such a bean! How could ANYONE want to hurt you! 🥺🥺🥺


Everyone-Electra, Harry, Draco: STILL?!

ThePlantsThough: Harry, you never told us that you had that talent! I just looked at the photo again and OMG, I'm glad you got the plants in! EEEEE, I know I mentioned the plants in the post but the photo is so clear and clean! Teach us your ways!

BuckTheThornElectra: Harry was born with that gift actually.

TheStarOne: I was-?

TheCorruptingOne: He was-?

BuckTheThornElectra: Oh yes, I remember when he came over to the Malfoy manner when both he and you were children and he took a photo of you.

TheStarOne: I don't remember this-

ThePlantsThough: AWWWW! I WANNA SEE!

BuckTheThornElectra: I should show you guys! But, I don't have his camera and I don't know where he puts it. Plus, I'll be in Hufflepuff. Not with you guys. Draco and Ron are in charge of Harry though-

TheStarOne: I mean....I'm not in the same house as Draco so-


TheStarOne: I told the hat to not put me in Slytherin. 😅

Chapters might be posted a few times since I might need to edit stuff and shit- 😀😅

If The Students Had Instagram(Drarry, Blairon, LunPans, NevSea, and ChoLav)Where stories live. Discover now