[chapter 1; a beginning of time]

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It was a blistering thundering night, and Ace was outside in a cramped alleyway that was cold, and he was starving but had no where to go. As he sits there in the alleyway he thinks about why they killed his family and why they didn't believe in heroes, after thinking for a bit he then realizes about how many people they killed and that boils ace up in rage and as he continues to think about it, his hands starts to glow and he punches a wall and a huge explosion occurs.
After he realizes what he just did, he then gets scared because the cyber cops might have seen it and now is after him so he gets up and makes a run for it.

As he runs down the alleyway, a bright white light is then flashes at him an before he can see again they start shooting at him and Ace gets shot a couple times before he regains his eyesight and he hides behind a wall, "woah, that was a close one" he says before looking down and sees laser wounds in his chest,arm, and bottom half chest, "maybe not" he then says before grabbing a cyber trash can lid and tosses it at them, making them shoot it which gives Ace enough to climb up to the rooftop and one of the cops says "he is getting away and the boss will kill us if he gets away!!!".

As they start to shoot more laser bullets at ace, they then start to shoot darts but ace manage to dodge the laser bullets and darts but gets hit by one of the darts but it doesn't affect Ace so he continues to run but as he runs and dodges for his life he soon starts to realize that he was getting tired and he knew that he can run for longer so he pulls out the dart and it wasn't just a dart, it is a sleeping dart, "why didn't I realize that from the start, it's a sleeping" he then thinks "its may be ten to fifthteen minutes before i pass out" so then he starts to run faster and when he turns around they are gone but why he wonders but then 5 helicopters fly up and start shooting at him and starts to run again but finds a dead end. Then he finds a grenade and throws it at the helicopters but then before he can react he gets grabbed by the neck by a buff cyber soldier and he says "i would take you in but you pissed me off and i got work to do" The man then drops Ace into the what seems to be a bottomless pit.

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