Final chapter: the final battle pt2

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As Ace and Vintstien stare at each other Ashe starts to wake up with old and new memories now she looks at Ace, "he broke my curse" she mumbled before realizing that she was free from his control. Ace then proceeds to jump to the mech but the professor was already ahead and counters with a punch having Ace to evade the attack, "your quick but are you quick enough!" he vanishes into thin air, "where did he." Ace appears in front of him and pushes the mech off the balcony but before Ace could follow him the guards ran out to see Ashe on the ground and Ace in his savior form and so they started to attack him but Ace instantly killed all of them before following Vinstien to the bottom but as Ace got closer to the mech, people started to record and was watching the fight worldwide and that's when the mech came back online and grabbed Ace slamming him into the ground and drags him across the ground past all the people recording but then this one kid takes out his drone to follow them.

Meanwhile, with Ace, he was trying to break from his grasp and that's when Ace summons his Divine blades and sliced off the mech's arm getting back up immediately and kicking the mech towards the ocean.
Vinstien was gonna lose at this rate and so he presses a button and activates omega mode and the mech got bigger and bigger but Ace stops time and walks to the mech and climbed up to where Vinstien was and starts to punch the visor rapidly until it broke and that's when time resumes but he was prepared and he grabs Ace crushing him before throwing him into the water where Ace just sinks. As Ace sinks to the depths of the ocean he felt like he couldn't fight anymore, he was just too tired and weak but then the current of the water pushes him back to the surface, "but I'm gonna die if I continue unless I aim for the core," Ace thought to himself before making a run for the mech but Vinstien shoots missiles and bullets at Ace but dodges most of them before jumping into the air and charging up and attack, "It's like you said Vinstien, IT KILL OR BE KILLED" he then flies towards the mech's chest punching it at high velocity going right through the mech like it was butter, "I did it, I won." Vinstien somehow manages to get out of the mech and pulls out a gun and shoots Ace in the back causing Ace to fall onto his Knees holding the core of the mech, "you alive?" Ace said as he turns around to see Vinstien walking toward him, "you almost had me not gonna lie but you were not fast enough." Vinstien said to Ace as he loses his savior form. Ace then gets up and turns to Vinstien but he shoots the core, "core count down in 10..9"  Ace then punches Vinstien onto the ground and then tells him, "If we die, then I want the next person to allow everyone to live in peace and not cause a war as we did." after he finished his speech the core exploded causing a nuclear-sized explosion evaporating the ocean and them with it. After the explosion people worldwide are concerned but then they see Ace and Vinstien walking back onto land, Ace was on his last bit of strength, "it was nice living you know but I made my point to you now right Vinstien?" Ace said as he sit down by a huge rock, "yes, you indeed did, im sorry that it had to end this way though" he said as he kneels to Ace, "good night Ace Shinigami" Vinstien said as he looks at Ace closing his eyes taking his final breaths before dying. After that people interviewed him, "who won the war, is it over, what happened" Vinstien looks at the people before responding with, "well Ace won the war mentally and that means heroes will be able to come back into the light, and yes the war is over." he said before picking up Ace and taking him away."

After that, the war between heroes and technology had ended, or did it? Vinstien was seen looking at Ace who was in a testing tube healing, "I can't have you die because I will put you back together" Vinstien smirks as Ashe was behind him looking at Ace as well.
Meanwhile in another world, "yo Kijing, your sister has been looking for you." Kijing then turns to the little kid, "well she knows that im a bartender and a black knight, and besides she can find me herself....." a girl walks up to him, "Where have you been?!?" the girl pokes him, "training and then working also looks like the day is near", the girl stops poking him, "what day?" Kijing then turns to him, "that prediction where a boy comes from another universe and saves the kingdom from all terror."

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