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-----------Amanda's POV----------
"Let me out." I said plainly, throwing a rock at the stone wall.

"No." Dipper Gleeful responded from the other side of the wall. So after I got trapped in that stupid "psychic hold" from this guys gem, I blacked out and woke up in this stone cell- I have no idea where it is or why I'm here, but I'm going to get out...

"You've been saying that for an hour-!" I yell.

"And I'm going to keep saying it." He responds.

"Where are we anyways?" I ask, throwing another rock at the wall.

"Well after knocking you out back in the forest, I called Nightshade- since you escaped last time he was really mad, like 'I'm literally going to kill you' mad, and so he made me fix it- so Here you are." He answers.

"Wow, so you just take orders from this guy?" I ask.

"Well, by making a deal with one demon, we get the upper-hand with three- four actually! Seems pretty continent to me." He says.

"So in terms- by making a deal with Nightshade, you gained a lead on Bill and Will- then who are the other demons?" I ask, tugging at the ropes that bound my feet.

"You and your brother." He says, he's probably smirking... Jerk...

"So why am I here exactly?" I ask.

"You really don't know? It's a typical scenario, your bait." Dipper says.

"Right... So what if I choose to escape? What then?" I ask.

"Like you could-"

"I escaped a mansion filled to the brim with demons- I think I an handle you." I say, smirking.

"I think I hate you." He says.

"Well I do hate you." I say sarcastically. I ripped at the rope one last time and broke through it. "Finally..." I whispered, getting up and tiptoeing over to the cell door.

"Why don't you come in here and prove that I can't take you down?" I challenge.

".........Fine." I hear him say. The door slowly creeps open and he peers his head in.

"Surprise." I whisper, then punch him in the face. Sure it was mean but he deserved it.

"Well he's out cold." A dark voice said from behind me, I turned around to see a shadowy figure.

I wasn't fast enough to escape...

Lol just kidding- keep scrolling.

Wait... Golden eyes? That's not Nightshade!

"Bill!" I yell, He starts to laugh .

"That wasn't funny! You scared the heck outta me!" I whisper-yell, lightly punching his arm.

"I know! It was so worth it!" Bill laughed.

"Thanks..." I say sarcastically.

"Alright- let's go." He says, stretching out a hand to me.

"Nope!" I yell, scurrying out of the room and into the woods. Like I'm going to go back with Bill, I know where I am now so I can find my way back to Mabel and Dipper no problem! Plus- I have some stuff to tell them....

Nightshade is planning something, and I wanna know what it is...

-------- Nightshade's POV-----

I watched from the sky as Azandra ran away from the cell- I could go after her, but Bill is right behind so I won't. But I would be careful if I were her... After all-

Curiosity killed the cat...

And here's where the chapter actually ends!

Wow I had to power-write that....

It was about 8:00 and I realized that I had nothing written on this chapter- so I had to write it all in an hour and 20 minutes....

I was gonna stop at 300 words but then I was like: "why not go to 560 and have Bill show up?"

So your welcome for the extra 200 words.  XD

Well- I might update on Wednesday... NO promises but I might.

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