First day at Eldia university

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Before you guys read I just wanted to make sure you knew the content warnings: suicide, mention of self-harm, smut, degrading, Drug abuse, mention of health issues and mental disorders, scenes for 18+, killing, murder, death, and other dark/ sensitive subjects.

Please don't read the story if you are easily triggered by those things thank you enjoy the story.

You awoke from a night of deep sleep to the sound of your alarm beeping continuously. You sit up with one eye open, press snooze, and look at the time. 10:23 am. "Shit" you mumble sitting up on the edge of your bed.

You had set your alarm clock for 8 am but you must have slept through it going off. Class starts at 11 am which only gives you a few minutes to get ready.

It was your first day at Eldia university. You have been to the school multiple times before for college tours so you kinda had an insight on how to get around.

But the lack of time you had to get ready annoyed you. You couldn't stand not having enough time to take a shower in the morning it just made the start of your day so much better when you did, So it bothered you more than anything when you couldn't.

You take a deep breath and stretch as you get up exiting your room and entering the bathroom.

As you enter the bathroom you turn the lights on, run lukewarm water and look at yourself in the mirror.

Today will be a good day, a fresh start with a new me. You sigh looking down at the running water.

In all honesty, you weren't very excited about starting your first day today. You were actually quite the opposite.

Anxiety quickly crept upon you as the thought of completely humiliating yourself wandered across your mind.

You didn't know what to expect for this year. You didn't really know a lot of people here even though you did go to high school with most of them. You just really weren't a social person and kept to yourself most of the time.

Its like you toned everything and everyone out most of your life. You didn't want it to be like that this year. You want to be more open and have a lot of friends or at least a small friend group.

But what if they find you annoying or just genuinely end up not liking you. People can't be that judgmental though right?

You felt like you were gonna vomit. The thought of people judging you scared you the most. But than again it's like you didn't care enough if they did.

The pit in your stomach was growing. Maybe I should skip today. You argued with yourself conflicted on whether you could actually pull through today or not.

No Y/N you'll be fine. You told yourself while looking in the mirror trying to convince yourself that you weren't afraid of today's outcome.

You quickly wash your face and brush your teeth then exit the bathroom.

You walk back into your room and slowly shut the door as you rummage through your closet looking for clothes.

You pick through clothes in frustration not knowing whether you want to be cute or comfortable. You sigh looking at your options debating on your look for the day.

"Y/N" Sasha yelled with excitement as she burst through the door."ARE YOU EXCITED FOR YOUR FIRST DAY?!" She says leaping towards you with a half-eaten muffin in her hand.

You give her a fake smile to mask your frustration and turn to look at the brown-haired girl.

"Yeah so excited" you say nonchalantly.

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