Sasha's Death

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Content warning: Mention of suicide, Describes graphic scenes.

Please please don't read if you're easily triggered thank you.

[Play In this shirt by the irresistibles]

You stood in the doorway as you watched the girl that once held the brightest smile, hanging from a rope connected to the ceiling.

Her body hung lifeless as her pink checks were now colorless. You could tell she wasn't dead that long because the smell in the room wasn't a strong odor.

Her coloration where the rope was turned slightly purple indicating livor mortis was starting to take affect. Which meaning she had to of been dead for more than 12 hours.

You couldn't help but think that maybe this was all in your head, but was it?

Was this real?

This couldn't be real you had to be dreaming, but if you were this was a sick dream.

You feel your knees get weak and chills run through your body as your eyes locked onto the lifeless body hanging before you, unable to move or function properly.

You knew better than to take her down or move her from the rope since it would be tampering with evidence. So you just stand there frozen unable to comprehend.

The walls began to turn blood red as you start to hear a ringing in your ears. The ringing got louder and louder as images of blood pouring down the walls started to appear vividly.

The ringing was shortly interrupted by a scream coming from behind you. You didn't have the energy to turn around and look but you knew it had to of been someone who was passing by.

Shortly after the police and your father had come to the crime scene.

You knew the girl would call the police, but still you just stood there in the door way in shock unable to move.

Your father came up to you trying to convince you to move but once he realized you weren't he picked you up  to move you from the door way.

As they started to investigate the crime scene detectives tried questioning you about what happened but you said nothing.

You were speechless. It's like the words couldn't come out and all you felt was a big lump in your throat.

While they were speaking to you, You notice the  police started to put Sasha's body in a body bag as they slowly started to drag her out. And for the first time since you found her body your feet allowed you to run.

You ran towards the body bag pushing the police out of your way and hugged her lifeless body. You couldn't accept the fact that she was gone, It was unrealistic to you.

Flashbacks of all the times she protected you, or genuinely cared for you started to surface.

Tears fell down your cheeks as you refused to let go of your friends lifeless body. "Sasha please tell me this isn't true you're still here with me right?"

You clutch on to her body tighter as your father tries to pull you off of her.

"Y/N she's gone" Your father says trying to convince you to let go.

"Come on Sasha prank times over your can tell them all you're joking now" You say waiting for your friend to respond. But she never does.

Tear fill your eyes as you realize this was real. You've seen dead bodies before which never affect you, but this was different.

Your father tugs you harder and pulls you away from her  body as you struggle to go back to her.

"Sasha i need to tell you that i love you, Please wake up Sasha please". You say pleading with her as tears flowed from your eyes.

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