The Butterfly

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After talking to Sasha and Armin for a few minutes after class you 3 disperse going to your next classes. You only had one more class for the day, It's was English composition with Professor Erwin room 346.

As you wondered the halls looking for your next class you couldn't help but stop in your tracks, seeing as a little pink butterfly with fluorescent wings flew in the building.

You loved butterflies, you always saw them as majestic marvelous creatures that were so peaceful.

You followed the butterfly down the hall not paying attention to where you were going

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You followed the butterfly down the hall not paying attention to where you were going.

As soon as you finally caught up to the little butterfly it flew out an open window, causing you to instantly feel sad.

You didn't want the butterfly to leave. It brought you instant peace, more peace than you've had in a while.

As you turned from the window to look at your surroundings you realized you had no idea of where you were at. Nothing in this part of the school looked familiar to you.

You couldn't of wandered that far, right? I mean you've only followed the butterfly down a few hallways.

You look down at your phone trying to find a sense of direction. While you were looking down you felt your body crash into a muscular figure.

"I-I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention to where I was going" you say studdering in embarrassment.

But if you were being quite honest you don't regret bumping into him at all. He was handsome, tall, and muscular. You've never seen a man so well built with an angelic face.

"Its okay" He said shyly rubbing the back of his neck.

"I'm Jean" he says radiating a warm and welcoming smile.

"Y/N" you say returning the smile.

I wonder if he's single.

"Sorry I'm just kinda lost" you say smiling while maintaining eye contact with him. If there was one thing you've learned about men, is that they love when woman maintain eye contact.

"I've been going here for a while so maybe I can help you find your class" he suggests as he gives you his undivided attention.

"Yeah I'd love that!" you saying pulling out your phone and showing him your class schedule.

Jean starts walking down the stair well, and you followed behind him asking basic questions, Keeping the conversation going.

You even got him to laugh. To you this was a win. I mean you always knew you were funny, but you just wanted other people to acknowledge the fact that you were funny as well.

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