The Secret

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CONTENT WARNING: Graphic and suicide scenes.  This chapter might also be a little long so please bare with me.

You and Mikasa make your way towards the lunch hall. As you walked through the empty halls you couldn't help but notice a sculpting class.

You've always wanted to take part in something like that, but you've always had that nagging thought that's you weren't talented or capable enough too.

Once again you space out as you look into the class. You've always wondered on how different things would be if you didn't have so much self doubt.

You restricted yourself to so many things in fear of failing or of embarrassing yourself. You couldn't help but feel full of regrets.

Mikasa notices your interest in the class and grabs your arm. "Come on" she says waking towards the class.

You look at her in confusion "What are we doing?"

"We're going in so you can see the class first hand" she says smiling as she pulls you into the class.

"I don't really think this is a good idea, I don't wanna disturb the class". You say as you tug her arm trying to go back out of the class room.

Unfortunately she quickly stops and continues to walk further into the class.

"I know the teacher and I'm sure she won't mind" Mikasa says dragging you further into the class.

As you enter the center of the class you couldn't help but be in complete awe. It was a beautiful scenery.

There were statues and paintings everywhere, all made with elegance and grace. You were completely amazed by the craftsmanship.

As you looked around the room admiring the art work you turn and see him. You weren't a big fan of his arrogance and rudeness, but you couldn't cease contact with his bare torso. He was wearing a white sheet that hung off one of his shoulders revealing his upper body.

It seemed like the class was painting him

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It seemed like the class was painting him. He definitely had the features of a god if he weren't already one.

You still weren't fond of him due to your encounter earlier but your eyes couldn't help but be glued to his figure.

Eren walks up to you and Mikasa as you continue looking around as if you weren't just staring holes into his chest.

"Hi Eren" Mikasa says as she makes her way towards him giving him a kiss followed by a hug.

You looked away completely shocked that someone as sweet as her would date such an asshole.

" Y/N this is Eren" Mikasa says turning to you while he glances at you and smirks.

"We've met earlier" Eren states moving right besides Mikasa observing you.

You look down at your feet refusing to make eye contact with him "Yeah we have".

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