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I began to wake up but........I feel......strange."SUNSHINE! Your ok"moon ran up to me crying."w-what happened". Officer Vanessa came walking in"moon you need to-oh sun you up that's good moon was starting to get worried and from the looks of it he was crying, you really scared him"she then began explaining what happened and how I got here."it was just wires unplugging that's a relief but...."" but I feel weird" " you will feel that it's been a long while since you needed a repair like this" Vanessa added after.

Me and moon went back to the daycare and began to set up for the kids. Once we finished we still had quite a bit of time so we when to our room and did our own thing. I was starting to feel sleepy. "Hay moony""ya?" "can we cuddle" I took off my acsesorys and made my way towords him"no sun not now it's not that long untill the kids get here". "Sooooo"I was a bit upset so I decided to just lay on moon and hug him"Akk-Sun really""pleassssss"I stared at him pouting. "Alright sunshine only this once then no more naps untill naptime. Ok?" "ya~" I looked up and saw moon blushing heh cutie. I hugged onto moon tighter and he hugged back as we both drifted off to sleep"

"SUNNY""stop"I mummbled."SUN""shut up"agan I mummbled."SUNDROP""ł ₴₳łĐ ₴ⱧɄ₮ Ʉ₱! "I yelled but it didn't sounded like... Me. Oh no that was the kids,  I look around and see moon gone. I got up and put my things back on then walked over to the balcony and looked down. Moon was trying to keep the kids down and keep them calm. I them made my entrance" HOOO! HOOO! HOOO! HEEELLLLLO KIDS!" I jumped down into the ball pit making sure to not hit my head again. Once I was down I asked moon what he was doing. "I wanted to let you sleep so I tried to take care of the kids but there all thought it was naptime and started to call for you, oh by the way did you hear that strang voice shout 'I said shut up' cus the kids heard it and they got scared"." o-oh y-ya I heard it I don't know where it's from though" I lied what's going on I never act like this, whatever I'm sure it's becuse I just woke up but that wouldn't make since I have never acted like this before maybe-"Mr.sunny are you ok?".I looke down to see a little girl holding a moon and sun doll "hi sweetie what's your name, I like your dolls"small giggles came from the child "my name is rebecca, here it's for you"she hands me the moon doll"aww thanks let me guess the sun one is for moon?" more giggles"yep, I can't see him though where did he go". "I don't know here let's see"I pick up the girl and carry her over to moon"HI MOONY"I shouted from behind him"hi sunshine". "Hi mr.moon I have this for you"she gave the sundrop doll to moony"uhhh t-thanks"he looked enbarised. I put the little girl down and she ran off "hehe looks like someone's blushing". "Am not""are toooooo~""shut it sunny" I gasped acting offended but just ended up laughing. ___________________________________________
586 words
Thank you nightshadowslayer for being the first to comment and for the lovely comment, this sounds so cheesy🙃.

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