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At this point, I have no update schedule. The goal is maximum two weeks between chapters, but like now, I might get a couple days of work and time for another chapter. Enjoy a bonus, bonus update.

The pack house was empty when Myles arrived. Given it was nearly dark, he wasn't surprised by the fact. Heading straight to the central staircase, he greeted Hamish with a grin, clapping the palm that was offered. Myles was a year older, but they'd gone through school together in the same classes.

"Hey. How did your sister go with her interview?"

"She's still waiting for confirmation but it looks like a go. Mum's slowly getting past her own issues about it. Makes things a little easier on Al."

Alana, having just turned eighteen, had applied for an abroad university a couple of weeks ago. Between sorting out a visa, waiting for the acceptance letter and navigating the nearby packs that would allow her temporary sponsorship, housing and work, there was a lot to finalise.

"My aunt's a phone call away, bro. She can clear up any questions."

"I'll let her know." Hamish stepped back against the balustrade, crossing one ankle over the other. "Your parents are upstairs."

Myles headed up. Halfway, he stopped, turning back. "There's no one else here," he said. "Swap out and take the night off. There's a group heading to the clubs tonight. No reason you should miss it."

"Right." Hamish's mouth quirked at the corner, self-deprecatingly. "'Cause the Alpha won't hand me my ass for that."

"He won't if I've given the order. I'll catch the backlash for you."

"Thanks, bro. I appreciate it."

Myles lifted his shoulder in in a shrug. "What else are friends for."

Lifting his comm, Hamish spoke quickly. When he got an answer, Myles was only half paying attention to the reply.

"Are you coming? I'm happy to be designated, since you've done me a favour."

If he didn't have something more important to do, he might have considered it. The letter was his priority. When he'd asked Mira permission to take it to his father, she'd been hesitant at first, before finally agreeing. Under the stipulation she didn't want to be there when it was opened. Given neither of them knew its contents, he understood—because it could be anything.

"Next time, maybe," called Myles as he turned to the main hall.

Following the sounds of the heartbeats, he headed to his parents wing of the house. The sliding door was open to their joint kitchen and dining area. In the oven, dinner was cooking. Lasagne based on the smell. Once this was all done and he had the answers, he might find a way to take some back with him. Mira had said she'd attempt to cook—because it was usually something he took on by choice—but the mishaps that happened when she tried didn't guarantee there would anything edible at home.

"Myles," came his mother's voice, as she closed over the nearby bathroom door. "Hey. How are you? How is Mira?"

"We're both fine. Considering." Closing the distance between them, he wrapped her in a hug. "Is dad free? I have something I need to give to him."

"He's in the office. Anything you feel like telling me first, cub?"

Myles rolled his eyes at that. He was an adult. Who he slept with was no one's business but his own. His mother didn't get an opinion—and she'd never shared one. Mira was the outlier here. He had no doubt that if Mira even gave a single indication that Myles had hurt her, his mother would go after him on Mira's behalf.

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