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Myles knocked on the door.



Then again, louder, when there was no answer.

Leanne knew he was there, he thought, frustration mounting each minute that passed. She had heard the car approaching from a mile away. She was familiar with his scent. There was no excuse as to why she hadn't come to the door yet... unless she was stalling.

And given the reason he was here paying her a personal visit, that didn't bode well for her.

Myles had promised his father he wouldn't put himself in danger over this. He hadn't promised not to exercise the resources he had at hand. While other were out searching, he was doing exactly that.

Which had led him here, to this very doorstep.

To someone he'd once known so well; someone he would have mated. There was no greater commitment than that. Compare that to now, once Mira had entered the picture?

Fact: Leanne was a jealous ex. A vindictive one, as well? That's what he was here to find out. At one point, he would have refused to believe she was capable of it. With all that had happened, she'd become suspect number one for foul play.

Inside, he heard the clatter off glass smashing. Leanne swearing rapidly was next.

Scowling, he knocked. Again.

If she didn't answer this time, he'd break the door down. Simple as that. The other alternative was to pick the lock, but Myles had come here to make a point, so he much preferred the first version.

In the end, he didn't have to do either of those.

The lock turned. The door cracked an inch at a time.

Clearing his throat, Myles shoved his right boot into the gap that was presented, taking snow with him, because he didn't put it past her to slam it closed on him. Waiting her out took all of his patience, but eventually she sighed, low and long. She'd clued into the fact that Myles wasn't going anywhere until he got what he'd come for: answers.

When Leanne opened the door fully, she did it slowly. Whereas once she would have greeted him with a flirtatious smile, now she kept her expression carefully blank. "Myles, this is... unexpected," she said mildly, tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear. "Have you come to apologise? Or beg me to take you back?"

He scowled, crossing his arms over his chest. He didn't have time for this bullshit, not when each moment that passed left Mira's whereabouts—and safety—unknown. "Where were you yesterday?"

"Work." Her gaze scanned him from head to toe, assessing with narrowed eyes. "Why? I don't see why that's any of your business, Myles. You made it all too clear where things stood between us."

Just as Leanne had made it all too clear where things stood between her and Mira.

"Before and after work, where were you?"

"I had breakfast with my parents in the morning. Mihail called me after work, inviting me over for dinner at his place. I spent the night there," said Leanne stiffly, meeting his gaze. "Again, this is none of your business, Myles. Why does this feel like an interrogation?"

He knew Leanne's tells when it came to lying—and he saw none of them. Her pulse didn't jump. She didn't avoid eye contact as she spoke. Her hands didn't move to hide any shakiness from being visible. She was acting on the defensive, but she was telling the truth.

Myles wasn't so quick to buy that, however. Leanne could have prepared her answers beforehand, knowing that this conversation would be inevitable. She was an accomplished liar when the motivation was there.

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