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The second the females were far enough away, Ciaran focused on him. The humour dropped from his expression. "What the hell was all that? Your girl was—is—terrified."

Myles could only grit his teeth. He'd left the decision up to her about staying, keeping his opinion out of it, fully expecting her to want to leave. Preferring that option. She'd thrown him for a loop in deciding to stay.

Watching her now, out of arms reach when she was so terrified, left him paranoid to no end.

"Vara will watch out for her, My. She can be vicious if there's reason for it," said Ciaran, moving to stand at his side. Their shoulder bumped. "Your scent is all over her, as well. A big warning to anyone who wants to try something."

If they did, his retaliation would be bloody and no holds barred.

Mira and Vara were at the end of the street now, about the turn into the district. The long line of shops went both above ground and below. Before he lost sight of them, he headed that direction, Ciaran following. They bypassed the escalator, sticking to the top level. Given the crowds were sparser, he figured the choice was Mira's. She stuck to Vara's side as the passed some fae. In turn, Vara tucked her arm over Mira's shoulders, silver hair entwining with black.

"Out of curiosity, My, how did you expect her to react to Vara and I? She has history with Fae. We were always going to trigger the same reaction."

He pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration. Mira wouldn't understand the relationship he had with Ciaran, he knew that, even if he tried to explain it. "You're the only one I trust. The benefits outweighed the risk."

"So rock and hard place."

Didn't that just sum it all up?

Rarely, did Myles travel onto the Truce Lands. His position in the pack was as detrimental as it made him untouchable. No would attack him, not unless they wanted to incite violence—but that didn't mean he wasn't a target to someone who wanted to send a message. There were many who didn't agree with the truce, and still proclaimed the land as their own. They were the ones he didn't trust. To come out alone, he left himself vulnerable. He left Mira vulnerable, because he couldn't defend her if they cornered him also. He needed back up of some kind, with his own pack a threat to her.

Ciaran was that back-up. On Truce Lands, there was one complication, and it was a potentially disastrous one. While the fae could attack them, his own kind presented two dangers: attack or talk. If word spread that Myles had been seen with her, their privacy was gone. Ciaran had many talents. His most invaluable right now was his ability to distort another's mind. Myles didn't know the specifics, but Ciaran explained it as a cloak around Mira. Shifters could see her as they saw him—but they would have no recollection of her.

"I feel like I'm failing," said Myles, hearing the frustration in his own voice. "Is this what having a mate does to you—makes you question every decision?"

At this very moment, he recalled the argument he'd had with his aunt. Even before seeing her reaction to being here, he'd known it was a bad idea. His aunt could have come out to the Truce Lands on her own. Or their pack lands, although shops were limited. To him, that was the simple answer. She'd veto'd that: Mira wouldn't have any choice, when so much had already been taken away from her.

This was compromise they'd reached.

"We don't take mates, My, so I'm not the one to ask." A pause. "Love certainly does, though. Been there, done that. Never again."

Vara wasn't out of their earshot, but Ciaran didn't seem bothered by that fact. They were a complicated pair. Both Vara and Ciaran were exclusively committed, and the trust between them was tangible, but neither of them were in it for the long haul. In affectionate lust—not in love. For whatever reason, it worked for them both. He assumed it was normal among fae.

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