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By the time they came to the estate grounds, she'd fallen asleep, her head resting on his shoulder and her arms tight around his middle. When the bumps on the road jostled her, he nuzzled her until she calmed once more. In the back of his mind, he knew he risked crossing a line by scent marking her, but with her on his lap, nestled so close, he couldn't fight his instincts.

As Kane stopped the car along the front of the healers house, Myles figured out the easiest way to move without waking her up. Sliding his legs out of the side first turned out to be it. She didn't even stir, which he was grateful for. She clearly needed a lot of things, and one of them was sleep.

Myles felt his father's presence, even before he saw him. Standing on the driveway, his father waited for him, glowering. He noticed the female in his arms immediately, approaching with heavy steps.

This would be a fight, then.

He was up for it; a way to channel his anger into something constructive.

Just not while he still carried her.

"Don't," he said, tone unwavering. "If you wake her, I'll make the injury permanent."

Kane, behind them, froze. Myles knew he was ready to jump in and defend his Alpha, but his father held up a palm to stop him before he could try. It was a threat to his Alpha, yes, and not an empty one. It was a message to his father, as well. Their relationship was turbulent, but they had an understanding. When it came to Myles' mother, he didn't interfere.

Myles expected the same respect in return.

His father's eyes went wide in understanding.

Giving that time to settle in, Myles approached the front door, bypassing the weaving garden beds. The house had been chosen for the exterior, rustic wood and a slated roof, with space to grow herbs and plants of all kind, since his aunt dabbled in both modern and herbal medicines. It wasn't a large space, half of her living quarters a makeshift infantry, but she refused to leave, even with the offer of somewhere bigger. Which, was one made often.

His knock was quiet, and answered just as gently.

Kiva, their healer, stood in the doorway, still in her usual scrubs, hair tucked back from her face. She was bare of any make-up. Her eyes wrinkled as she smiled at him. That smile fell, as she took in his mate. "Myles?"

His name was a million questions wrapped into one. "I can explain later. I need to set her down somewhere comfortable and deal with my father, first."

Kiva, ever pragmatic, was quick to let him in, leading him into a room at the far end of the home. In her space, he noted absently, her scent heavy. "Lay her here. I'll watch her while you sort out what you need to."

He did exactly that, laying her down gently, once she pulled the sheets back. He stroked her hair across her forehead, waiting until she settled under the covers. Then he stared at her, so vulnerable once more. He couldn't—

A hand touched his arm. Kiva.

"I'll protect her like my own, you know that. No harm will come to her here."

"Thank you," he whispered, grateful for her. She didn't pry. She accepted the situation and would help, nothing else needed. She'd never asked for more.

At least, to him. No doubt, the second he left, she'd be on the phone to his mother to get details.

"You're welcome. Now, go see the Alpha. I can smell his middle-aged angst from here." 

From outside, there was a low growl. Kiva only rolled her eyes, aware the comment would be heard before she said it. Myles wasn't about to get involved in the ever-present ribbing between the two of them. 

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