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Italy is a dream

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Italy is a dream.

When Lina told me that fucking Hayden West was offering to take us to Italy, I thought it was some kind of joke.

But being in Italy? It was amazing.

I never thought I'd ever leave the country, but the way they romanticized Italy in all the movies, I just had to come. I needed to see what a magical place was for myself.

Everyone I've seen in Italy have been beautiful; the men were like they were hand crafted by God, Himself. And the women? They looked like they'd just walked off the cover of a magazine.

And I was having the time of my life until Hayden decided to punch the guy hitting on Lina. Sure, he was creepy looking, but I knew Lina. She would've never done anything serious with him.

I couldn't help but laugh when Brooks dragged him out into the warm night breeze. Brooks and I were swaying back and forth, trying to see which one of us could hold the moon in between their fingers long enough until the cab came.

And with a sigh against the car window, I realized I was having the time of my life.

Literally. I couldn't ask for a more perfect escape from reality.

I grin, closing my eyes. "Now I've," I look around at everyone. "Had the time of my life. No, I never felt like this before."

I see Brooks and Hayden shake their heads, Lina cracking a smile. So I keep on.

"Yes I swear, it's the truth. And I owe it all to you."

Lina looks back at me. "What are you doing?"

"Singing. Come on, don't make me sing on my own here."

I pull out my phone, quickly pulling the song up on Spotify. With the beat and the words to go along with, I throw my hands up.

"I've had the time of my life!"

Lina was the first to jump in, singing alongside with me. Then Brooks himself even joined along with us, drunkenly missing the lyrics. I laugh, clapping my hands to the beat as we all start to sing in unison.

Sure, the cab driver and Hayden looked annoyed. But they can kiss my ass. Cause I was having way too much fun.

And as we pulled up to the beautiful villa that Hayden has us staying in, I tumbled out, looking around.

"It's sad that it took so many times for Johnny to catch Baby. But I guess it did make it kinda epic for them to do it when they did."

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