1 - time to move on

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Being a senior was not all it was cracked up to be

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Being a senior was not all it was cracked up to be.

All you ever see in the movies is everyone being excited, celebrating the final moments with your friends, getting ready to get out of the hellhole we're in every day and going onto a bigger adventure.

But in reality, it's like everyone waited until this moment to spring 'being an adult' into your face. Everyone expecting you to know your responsibilities, what you're gonna do for the rest of your life.

Newsflash: I don't even know what I'm doing tomorrow. Let alone for the rest of my damn life.

My parents are also on my ass, asking me what I'm planning on doing. They've supported me with the social media model, but they're curious if I'm gonna do something more. Aka, go to college and make a name for myself.

Honestly? Hell if I know.

I don't know anything. Everything has been uncertain for me. I'm so indecisive, I don't know what I want.

Well, except for one thing. And sadly, that's something I can't have.

I look over to Lina, seeing her cheeks flush. I raise a brow.

"Something you'd like to share with the class?" I lace my fingers together.

Lina looks up from her phone, blinking quickly. "What? No, why?"

I smile, shrugging. "You look like something made you...you know, a little hot."

Lina's eyes widens and she sets her phone down. "Sorry. Hayden is...well, being Hayden."

I roll my eyes. Anyone who knows Hayden and Lina know how into each other they are. And by that, I also mean how much they get it on.

I'm not sure what all went down between Hayden and Lina over the summer, but they came to an agreement, even though Lina never went into specific details. All I know is that Lina kicked Hayden's butt off to New York so he can get the proper education he needed and opportunity to expand his name and get known.

Something like that, I can't remember it all. That was almost a year ago.

But whatever it was, Lina's been busting her ass in school. I've never seen her so dedicated to her studies, making sure she hasn't gotten anything below a B.

But since Lina lives with me, I notice when Hayden comes into town, she never leaves her room. And quite frankly, they're not very quiet about what they're doing behind closed doors.

Especially on nights when they think I'm not home.

I shudder.

"Tell Hayden to keep it in his pants. We're going dinner soon and I don't want you looking like that with Landon and his sister."

"Like what?" She blinks.

"Like you're ready to be fucked."

Lina's jaw drops, but I simply hold up my hands. She grabs her phone, typing super quick and sets it back down. "Happy?"

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