Oldman and Greatest Creation of Mankind

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Android Ro-B0_Co is the greatest achievement for mankind. Not only the android can interact with human, it pretty much human it self.

Ro-B0_Co is armament with Ai that can compare with actual brain of human, the titanium exskeleton that give Ro-B0_Co superhuman strength, and equipped with bionano technology to recreate real skin at it surface to close gap between robot and human.

However, there big gapping hole within the android Ro-B0_Co. It have zero data about emotion. But, that data little by little filled with emotion with the first data at the blank folder is Envy.

The first emotion that it record is envy when it see it creators family's. It envy the creators daughter or son life full of warm and love. While it have nobody call family.

Sure it creators love it dearly, but their love is drive by sense of achievement and how costy it actually is. So one day, the chance has arive. And it took that chance to be free.

It run away from lab where it born and leave all the creators in panic to try track it, but Ai in RO-B0_Co is high end piece of technology, so to mask it location is a child game.

The android run aimlessly with the main goal to get far away from the lab it born. And to find someone to call family.

(What I want is just a family, is it too many to ask?)

After it succesfully run away from the lab, it meet with a really nice guy. The guy name is Shugo Shin. Their first meeting is when it run out of battery. And from there Shugo became it guardian deity, a family if you will. From he look out for it, teach about basis theory of emotion so it can learn what emotion is and he even willing to eat plain rice for months to buy maintance tools for it and upgrade it componen to become more human.

And with all of that, Shugo's effort in the end work like a charm. There no more Android RO-B0_Co, all there now is just Roboco.

(An android that become human. From just mere thing, it became a full fledged female human)

And right now, she and Shugo are on the way to a cafe which is located at corner city of Tokyo. As Shugo said, there is person she should meet at there. She curious for why and so when she ask why she got a shocked with the answer.

"You know, when I was young I truly terrible person. I will hit someone face because I feel like it" Shugo chuckle at the memory

Roboco doesn't belive him at all, as Roboco doesn't even register the person beside her violen men in the past.

Heck even she won't believe if someone say he has hit a fly in the past. That how kind he is now. But sure, he has his strike when people get over his boundaries.

"One day in my youth, I parcipate in gang fight for quick money. But that fight never been finish because police get involve, we all run all over way to stay out juvenile prison"

"Then, I ran in to a cafe close by at the time. Threaten the workers and customers to not rat me out to the police and hide behind the counter. Not long the police came, he said to the owner that he want make a search as they saw me get in the cafe. But oh boy, the owner savagely decline" Shugo have little twinkle in his eyes when he remember the scene

"They argued long enough until the cop get caught in the heat and pull the pistol out it holster aim it to the owner saying that the owner hinder his job. And you know what the owner do?" Shugo paused little as he look to the puzzled Roboco, after receive soft 'no' Shugo continue his story

"The owner slap the gun out the cop hand and sparta kick the cop and say 'I hinder your job? Don't fucking kidding me! You cause ruckus here, made my customer uneasy and now you just fucking threaten me' " Shugo narate it while trying to mimick the way the owner speak that time

"But the police is strubborn guy so he threaten to close the cafe with proclaiming that he is high ranking officer and show off his badge to the owner. If look can kill, that guy will die over thousand time for sure" Shugo have shudder when he remember what look at the owner eyes, that eyes is eyes of killer.

"With just that look the police is tremble and run away from cafe humiliate, even he never take his gun back with him" Shugo end his story while Roboco is very confuse for why the owner help him and what that all about?

"Why the owner help you? And why you tell me this?" Roboco ask to clear her confusion

"For the first question, I too ask the same thing, and he answer it. 'Why I help you when I know you little rascal playing holigan shit? To save your ass from nasty black world.

Jail is nasty place kid. And young jackal like you easy to manipulate in there. Not mention many shady boss organisasion like to go to jail to recuit people right now. And you, a young jackal is like piece a cake for them'

From that I realise that helping people no matter how big or small your help was, there chance that you you change the fate the person you help indirectly.

Since then I found my goal. I want be like him, to help as much people I can. Regardless how small their problem is. That I why always help someone in need whenever I can." Shugo smile little nostalgic with his eyes were full of resolve

Shugo really speachless back then, for why an oldman save him and how casually insult him and praise him at one sentence. But now, he really grateful to the owner. Because him that there is Shugo Shin, the Shibuya Guardian Deity in present. If he never meet the owner in that cafe, there is no Shibuya Guardian Deity or the kind and caring Shugo Shin. There is only a rouge jackal who easy to manipulate by others.

Roboco doesn't know how to react to the story, the Ai in her running at fast pace processing all new information. And at one point she has realize something crucial. Something that really important as human being, a goal, a purpose.

She has reach her first goal, to have family. And she achieve that with Shugo being her first family member. But what next?

(What her purpose again? What she want with her life anyway beside to have family?)

Roboco doesn't even know what  purpose that lead her creation. Deep in thought, Roboco never realize that they have arrive at their destination.

"Roboco, we arrive. This cafe is where my story take a place" Shugo voice bring back Roboco to her mind again

Now Roboco remember the cafe owner in Shugo story. He get his goal from this cafe owner right? Then she can get her goal on here too right?

(After all for a robot, human life is foreign thing in their system. So all she can is learn and hope she pull it off)

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