I Think I Would Cry

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Sora and the crews-who consist Sakamoto and Yui that has nothing to do-set up the stage for Sora's performance get done swiftly as the stage is just a chair, acoustic guitar and microphones.

After some checking the microphones work and tuning the acoustic guitar, Sora took deep breath to calm herself from all nervousnes she feel right now.

"Sora-chan, are you ready?" Sakamoto ask with smile when he see Sora's determined eyes

"Yes, I am. Even if I'm not that good with guitar, I will give my best to play it" Sora said as she smiled confidently toward Sakamoto

"Then the stage is all your" Sakamoto said before retread to booth with Yui mouthing good luck to her

With that said Sora took the last deep breath before grab the microphone infront of her.

"Hello, everyone! I am Tokino Sora, here I would like sing my song. Song that I write with encourage many people that I love. Without further ado let's begin, Konomedoki No Sora" Sora said softly as she meet the eye of her audiens

≈Play Konomedoki No Sora by Tokino Sora≈

A gentle tune began playing in the air filling the cafe atmosphere with warm and light sensation. The warm and light tune of guitar make homey sensation of the cafe more homey with increasing second.

"A blue sky reflecting in eyes that wander though it little bit hazy i will try to step foward"

As Sora began to sing they blown away with how soft and tender her voice were. And simple tune she playing were perfectly match her voice. As if.....

(As if a goddes has descending to mortal world)

"A transparant canvas and future shape, I will not forget it, that is me"

Sora close her eyes as she began to remember her vow three month ago that she made wtihin her heart. To no never change even if the future is grand for her

"Time goes on, the hands of the clock turn round and round, count footprint and tie shoelace" Sora began change her pace and key as she take her tone down slighty

The audiens was absolutely mermerize by Sora performance. There not single sound beside her voice and the strumming sound of guitar's strings.

"Flower will open, I can love it even in a wintry sky, I live in times soaring into the sky" Sora pick up her tone and pace of the strumming the guitar to macth her blooming feeling in herself

"I will not stop, I also know you, I know your kind words even by detour or a rough road, It was good that I walked along that path" Sora open her eyes with the last strum of the guitar, guide the song to it's end.

(The last stanza is her promised to her friend and every people who support her, especially the A friend name Yuujin Amaki the self proclaim NPC for her)


Yuujin and Motoaki were two of the many person who get mermerize by Sora. As the two were come when the song is in it two stanza.

Yuujin stood frozen as her body tremble to see her best friend sing a song that she write herself. The one that she write when in her Highschool that many their classmate mock it as cringe worthy song.

Motoaki being gentleman he is guide Yuujin to a table of four. But the girl who sing right now is without a doubt is Yuujin most precious friend.

He never see his strict and stoic secretary were so emotional even if there one of the staff made a mess in work. But not just that give away the answer. As he can see two etheral looking human that esembled two people he know.

(The wise Merlin and The ressilient Goose)

He mused at the thought. Before he too entrapped at lovely voice of the goddess who sing right now. He never feel like this before even if he listen to AKB 48 in his youth day or even the Kizuna Ai who are among the greatest idol in Japan.

Motoaki know that the girl is special. Her voice is really speak to his heart, as if she know his problem and freed him from his problem.

The emotion the young girl bring to the song is so impactful to the point that she actually influence people around her. The elderly couple has became more close and smile fondly to their patner of life, the young couple were feel as if their bond strengthen.

The singing doesn't have the raw energy like the traditional idol singing. Sure it acoustic and he isn't doubting the young girl ability to sing with full band accompanied her.

And when the music come to end Yuujin stood up and clapping, those clapping soon get chain reaction throught the cafe with Yuujin being the loudest.

Yuujin were so proud, happy, relief, and extremely emotional with her best friend right now.

The memory of the past began resurface in Yuujin's mind, a memory when the two of them were stargazing at outskirt of Tokyo. The time Sora tell her dream to becoming idol, and the time she found a goal that she too want too fulfil.

( "Don't worry, I will make you shine. Shine like the star we see right now far high in the outer space. This is my promise to you not as Friend A people refer me to, but as Amaki Yuujin" )

(Crap, I think I would cry)

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