Oldman and Greatest Creation of Mankind (2)

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Greeting, people!

I repost this chapter and edit minor miss spelling eror plus make it little longer with little mischivies at the end of chapter.

Maera Fos
Nervous Intern Who Get Holiday


When they enter the cafe, Roboco can't help but amazed by how homely the cafe is. The cafe is not your ordinary cafe where the customer speak in low voice. In here the customer speak loud and joyous while playing cards, headbutting each other when debate, even there one corner for karaoke.

Sure at one corner way there people who chat in low voice for privacy, but here has so many emotion in one place. Roboco for some reason become more energic while she in this cafe. She can't help but feel more optimistic.

(This place like a box of unlimited positive energy)

While Roboco mermerize with the atmosphere. Shugo quickly search the oldman who own this cafe. Not long after look around, he spotted the oldman at one of table near windows.

"Come on" Shugo said as he tug Roboco hands gently

Snap off from her daydream, Roboco follow Shugo lead to table near windows. There sit an oldman, estimation at age late fifty, with fit build and at high 1,85 meter, currently look ouside while occasionally take sip from steel container.

"Long time no see gramp" Shugo said when they are close from oldman's table

Roboco subconsiously run a scan at the oldman infront of them. But too her suprise his data were encrypted with super thick and powerful firewall. Even with Ai in her self help decoding it, she certain it would consume many time for her to crack just about 15-30% of the firewall.

Sense of danger in her system shot a signal, so in her best defence action she could is maintaince safe distance. And that easily done with hide behind Shugo.

The oldman turn his gaze from window to Shugo then to Roboco. Smile creep up at the oldman face. As he stand up and patting Shugo's shoulder.

"Damn, kid! You haven't been here in a long time, and when you come here you bring a girl with you?! Such shameless bastard you are?! The jackal now have a mate eh, kiddo?" The oldman ask with hearty laugh

Blush creep both younglings face, for Shugo it feel like your oldman tease you infront off your friend and Roboco being female not helped at all. It just make him more easy to tease.

For Roboco, she feel really embarrassed when the oldman said she is Shugo's mate. She know what it mean and that embarrasing thing to speak in public.

But Roboco quickly get her bearing, realize that she let her guard down infront of dangerous individual.

"Who are you?" Roboco ask full of vigilance, ready to act if something happen.

That surprise Shugo, to why Roboco act so vigilance and stiff infront of the kind oldman. Curious he decide ask Roboco.

"Why you so vigilance? Come on relax the oldman never hurt everyone you know" Shugo said while turn to Roboco try to calm down her

"Because he dangerous, I can't find anything about him" Roboco answer while her eyes never leave the oldman figure, wary that he would do something

"You run background check to oldman do you?" Shugo ask with deadpanned face

He know Roboco has habit to subconsiously run background check or scan new person she meet.

A bad habit of her that usually end up save him from entraped in troublesome matter or became the source for him get dragged into troublesome matter after some weeks they live together.

But to think the high end android who can hack almost all government system and easily crack to website can't find single thing about the oldman is crazy.

The oldman just smile and stare to Roboco lens eyes for second, before answer the question.

"Me? I have many names and tittles, but now I am just an oldman who run a humble cafe at corner of Tokyo for living. That your answer young miss" the oldman give little butler bow to Roboco at the end sentence

(After all what the matter the most is present)

But Roboco doesn't take it, because she know the old guy is a man with story. And what man with story have in common? They are though and have crazy experience with unnatural thing.

"Uh... I will get the order for you guys, any preference Roboco, Gramps?" Shugo awkardly try to break the ice because the tense around them is thick

"I will take what you order lad" The oldman smile warmly at Shugo to ease his nervous

Roboco however doesn't reply as she deem the cafe doesn't have menu for an android. Moreover she doesn't understand at all what the intention the old guy infront of her.

"Then I will order the usual for you Roboco" Shugo said that with awkard smile as he realize the human food is not compatible with her

While Shugo to order their meal, the oldman sit down again at his chair. Then smile at Roboco while said.

"Sit with me, Miss Roboco?"

The tone is warm and welcoming, almost angelic to Roboco ear. And unconsciously Roboco comply the request from the oldman.

"Wanna play a game with this oldman, Miss Roboco?" The oldman ask while still have a warm smile at his face

"....Sure" Roboco reply come off rather uncertain

"Wonderful! Then let this oldman introduce the game name. The name of game we will play is "Box of Chatter" " the oldman explain while out of no where he put a box with kanji for chat on the table

"To play this one of us will draw a question from this box and answer it whatever we see fit" the oldman continue his explanation while give a pat or two to the wood box that house a question

"Then let me go first" while said so one of the oldman hand dive in the box, after few second he pull out his hand with a piece of paper

"Let see 'How old are you?' "

As the oldman finish said it the whole cafe become quiet with each pair of ears present perk up. While not everyone is long last reguler of cafe, no one would denied that they very curious of the age of seemed the forever fifty owner.

Roboco too included at that category. Maybe more as she was birth by science and not surprising if she curious at the mystery infront of her that took shape as an oldman. After all science for most it purpose is too unravel the mystery of world and understand them.

"As young as milk teeth and as old as universe" the oldman answered with relaxed manner and accompanied with little smile when he see a surprise and confused expression of his customer

And Roboco fall dazed with the answer. As an android with super AI act as brain. She reach a shocking answer.

"T-that mean-" but before she finish her sentence the oldman cut her

"Now, now, Miss Roboco we doesn't want have a riot occurred in this lovely cafe right? Let's make it a little secret between us okay?" Oldman said with mischivious smile and end it with wink

(And with that small game the young android know that the old guy definitely has intresting story)

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