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⚠️trigger warning⚠️ there will be blood and scars in this chapter so if you want you can skip it, 

Ethan woke up tied up and he saw that both Lucy and Luke woke up and they were also tied up. Ethan immediately wondered where Jordan was and if he is safe. He saw that inside the dome, there was a small forest and Jordan was there but passed out. Ethan tried to stay calm, his instincts are yelling at him with things like "is he ok" "is he safe" Ethan is trying so hard to not lash out and break the glass and make sure Jordan is ok. he sort of already knew the kidnappers plan which is to make them watch Jordan suffer both physically and mentally while nobody would be able to watch someone get tortured but to Ethan, its like a death sentence because he wouldn't be able to control himself and he would lash out and he doesn't want that to happen because it was scary the first time, he doesn't want anyone to see him like that.


Jordan woke up in a dark foggy forest. He got up and suddenly felt this sense of familiarity with the forest, almost like he has been there before. It clicked, it was the same forest that was in scary survival except no village but instead of the feeling of nostalgia, he felt very uneasy because while it is the same forest, it felt very strange and very unnatural in a bad way which should be normal but Jordan doesn't feel like that about the forest anymore, to him, the forest felt strange and paranormal in a good way.

"what the hell is going on" Jordan said uncomfortably as he got up

he looked around and saw a man in a orange suit, he immediately recognizes the man. he immediately went to the man and he tapped on the man's shoulder and test Steve turned then he immediately glared at Jordan and stabbed him. Jordan winced in pain and he looks at test Steve with pain and betrayal. Test Steve smirked then kicked him in the chest then sliced him in the arm causing a scratch then left him. Jordan manage to hold on to a tree as he slowly pulls the knife out of his stomach and he wrapped his jacket around his stomach.

'why would test Steve do that, he wasn't corrupted so he should be good so why did he do that' Jordan thought.

he got up and kept looking in the small forest and he saw eve aka the scientist, he thought that the scientist would help him but nope, as he tapped on Eve then glared at him and scratched him on the face and he winced at the scar on his face, she then sliced him 5 times with a knife on the chest, Jordan slowly became to lose conscious due to the pain, she then blast him into the blood water lake with her powers.

he woke up when he realized he was inside the bloody lake and it was causing him a lot of pain but he ignored the pain and starting swimming up the lake and when he got out of the lake. he felt like he was in more pain than he ever felt.

'I dont get it, why just why, first, test Steve and now eve, what the hell is going on, I thought they were my friends' Jordan thought before he passed out with tears running down face.


Ethan saw Jordan got thrown to the lake and got out of the lake then pass out. Right at that moment, Ethan felt so much anger that he somehow tears the ropes and he was about to beat up the kidnapper but he couldn't because both Lucy and Luke were holding him back.

"why are you holding me back, he deserves it" Ethan said angrily while struggling but too strong as to not hurt Luke and Lucy.

"He does deserve it but its better if you go help Jordan while we deal with the kidnapper" Lucy replied. Being the more logical of the 3 if Jordan wasn't around.

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