Forever and always

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Ethan-22(I'm feelin 22 Everything will be alright if you keep me next to you...I just had to do that)
(Yes I did say that their age gap will be 5 or less but I don't care anymore because 1. I will make it how big I want but I will try to make it not really big,'s fanfiction so anything possible can happen) 
(Im only putting a little bit of blood in any of my story's because I can't handle it and others might have the same problem. I can only handle a little bit and if it's less detailed otherwise I won't write it, I am only saying this just In case anyone cares but I know most people won't care or bother to read this)

Jordan was running down the hallway just trying to escape the bullies but he wasn't so lucky because apparently being a "nerd" which is what he was labeled as even though he didn't understand why but which also means being bullied but lived with his former family had its perks even though it was horrible there but because of how much he was running away from his parents and sneaking out to either go to Ethan's house or go to the scary survival dimension. he became really fast and is amazing when it came to agility like I mean he jumping over tables and chairs as well as sliding down the stairs while standing up and doing all of these while running but unfortunately the bullies were jocks which meant they were faster, the main leader of the pack named josh (yes i know that sounds like josh from fame high but if you want to picture him that way then it's fine but in my opinion josh from fame high is a jerk anyway) grabbed Jordan by the back of his worn down hoodie and the raven haired teenager knew exactly what was about to happen and he didn't like what was about to happen even though this happens all the time and the teachers don't care at all.

"where do you think your going nerd" josh teased 

"anywhere to get away from you and your group of losers like dude you do know that popularity is nothing right it won't even matter after school anyway so it doesn't matter" Jordan sassed while rolling his eyes

 "what did you just say loser" josh said angrily as he began beating up the teenager. 

Jordan sighed annoyed at this point because they won't leave him alone because apparently being sassy is a bad thing because in this school, you can't win in anything also he end up with a black eye, bloody lip and bleeding nose then the pack of jocks left while smirking, Jordan got up with no reaction at all considering he is used to being beaten up and just great cause now he has to go home with that a bloody nose and a black eye which is horrible because Ethan tends to worry about Jordan a lot which makes sense considering Jordan tends to get into trouble a lot. let's just say when Ethan sees his face, he will freak out and become really angry and well let's just say a fight might happen. Jordan heard his best friend beeped his car which was a Range Rover, Jordan got up then pulled the hoodie over he's head, Ethan looks confused but decided to ask about it later.

*time skip* (yes time skips are happening)

They are in the house now, Jordan immediately ran upstairs and so did Ethan. They went to the room and The older of the two stopped Jordan by grabbing the back of his jacket with enough to stop him but not hurt him. 'Just great' Jordan thought sarcastically. 

"Jordan why are you wearing a hoodie over your head and don't lie to me, I know you never wear a hoodie over your head unless somethings wrong" Ethan said gently but sternly. 

Jordan knew he couldn't lie and even if he tried to, Ethan would see right through it not that he is a horrible lair as a matter of fact, he is a really good lair considering he's past cause from how many times he lied to his parents and sister to the point where  he became a really good lair but he would never lie unless it was urgent but because Ethan spend so much time with Jordan to the point he can tell when he lied, so Jordan just lowered his hoodie but kept his head down. Ethan used his finger to lift Jordan's face and gasped when he saw his best friends face, he had a black eye, bleeding lip and a bleeding nose, Ethan sighed then sat Jordan down on his bed and grabbed the supplies, he put an ice pack on Jordan's left eye and he winced at the cold then he took towels and very gently wiped the blood off of his face, Jordan kept wincing at the blood being wiped off his face,

"Jordan hold still otherwise I won't be able to help you cause it's difficult if you keep moving" Ethan said sternly, 

Jordan flinched from Ethan's stern voice, scared that he did something that will upset him. He looked at his best friend with a scared and sad look. 

"I'm sorry jordan for being a bit stern with you, it just difficult to help you if you keep moving" Ethan apologized while rubbing his thumb across his little brothers left cheek and Jordan leaned into the touch while closing his eyes (this is not shipping, this is just a simple brotherly relationship, I just don't know why it came out like that)

after Ethan cleaned Jordan's face, they got up and went downstairs to eat lunch while talking about life, after they finished their lunch which was cheese burgers from McDonald's. They went back upstairs and they both sat down in Jordan's bed and Just relaxed for the first time.

"Jordan don't you want to tell me who did that to you" Ethan said,

 "Everything's fine Ethan don't worry, I'm fine ok, nothings wrong." Jordan lied. Ethan raised one of his eyebrow suspiciously.  

"fine, it was josh and his friends, they kept beating me up and saying things like "I'm not worth your time or that you will leave me one day which I mean yeah I know it's not true but like why just why now I'm really sick of this, just ugh I don't even know anymore" Jordan said angrily as annoyed by the fact that the jocks couldn't leave him alone. 

Jordan saw how angry Ethan looked, it was terrifying to see because Jordan remembered when Ethan was in school, every time Ethan was angry which was rarely because Ethan is the type of person who doesn't get angry very easily  but In the rare occasion it happens it usually mean that that someone messing with his best friend to the point of tears and everyone was terrified to see him angry cause that meant a fight will happen and Ethan obviously won every fight he got involved in simply because of how strong he is like yeah he was really strong but like he wasn't like tom Holland or Chris Hemsworth level strong but he was very well build minus the abs so when Jordan saw how angry Ethan was. He thought that he's older brother was mad at Him for not defending his self then suddenly he was hugged by Ethan.  he hugged him back with his head buried his chest while Ethan ran his fingers through his best friend's raven hair while rubbing his other hand up and down his back.

"Jordan listen, you are worth my time, I will never leave you ever, ok, ever, you mean more to me then you will ever know, those guys are jerks, they don't know what they are talking about, I will always stay by your side even if you blow up my Minecraft house, I dont care, I am always here if you want to talk or if you want me to listen, hell, if you want to just hang out, you are not just my best friend, you are like my brother, not matter what, I will always love you forever and always ok" Ethan said passionately. Jordan felt so touched by his words that he just hugged his best friend tightly. He finally felt like he can trust someone and he know won't betray him or treat him like garbage like how everyone in his life treated him except his girlfriend and Ethan, they were the only ones who didn't treat him like he was trash or a weapon or a threat. "I love you forever and always eth" Jordan said. "I love you too forever and always" Ethan said. they continued hugging Ethan smiled while they were hugging knowing that he will always be there and help his best friend/brother not matter what, Ethan moved until he's head hits the headboard and he continues running his fingers through his little brothers brown hair while Jordan rests his head on his brothers chest

(He's the reason for the teardrops on my guitar, The only thing that keeps me wishing on a wishing star)

(Hey readers, by any chance can anyone send me suggestions because I am kind of running out of ideas 😅 so if you have suggestions, don't be afraid to comment them cause I might consider it, sorry it's so short, I tried to make it longer but I felt like it doesn't need to be so long.)

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