The fight

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Ethan came home back home from work tired as hell and just wants to sleep. He rested for a few hours then he got up and saw the time and realized that schooled ended so he got ready then drove to fame high school and waited for Jordan to come then Jordan came to car in a bad mood. 

 "so how was school" Ethan asked

 "fine" Jordan said in a very angsty tone

 "Jordan" Ethan warned

 "sorry I'm not in the mood today" Jordan said annoyed

 "I forgive you but you know we will talk about this" Ethan said

"fine" Jordan replied.They went home and went up to their room 

"did anything happen at school today that made you act this way, is someone bullying you or is it just a bad day" Ethan said concerned,

 "I don't have to tell you everything, you know" Jordan replied angrily, 

"Jordan what the hell is going on here, why are you acting like this" Ethan asked worried out of his mind, what is going on with his best friend. 

"Acting like what, this is my normal self" Jordan replied.

 "No this isn't your "normal self" can you please just tell me so I can understand what is going on" Ethan insist hoping his best friend will tell him what's wrong like he usually does,

 "Ethan, leave me alone, all you do is bug me and annoy me, you are the worst best friend in the world ever, honestly why are you even my best friend at this point" Jordan replied very angrliy than he left the house and slammed the door on his way out. 

Ethan was in shock, never have he seen he's best friend like this ever, even when Jordan was extremely angry, he wouldn't say stuff like this. he did the only think he could do which is look for his best friend, he will never let this fight ruin or strained his friendship with Jordan. he went to grab a jacket then put on his shoes and grabbed his red umbrella then left the house, he kept searching and searching for his best friend and the more he searched, the more he become  worried, he kept searching until he saw a park 'he could be there after all if he is upset or need fresh air he goes to that park' Ethan thought as he went to the park then when he was search for any signs of his best friend which will be hard cause it's raining making it hard to see where he's brother is. After searching for a while,

he was beginning to lose hope until he heard soft crying, he turned and saw someone under the tree burying their head on their knees crying, he went over and kneeled next to the person did he realize that it was his best friend then he immediately hugged him 

"oh Jordan please never do that again please don't scare me like that" Ethan begged.

 "I'm s-s-s-sorry Ethan, I swear I'm s-s-s-sorry I didn't mean what I said r-r-r-really I'm so so sorry, I never meant-" Jordan said while crying but got cut of by Ethan,

 "shhhh shhhhh relax tell me when you calmed down ok shhhhhh" 

they walked home with Ethan with his arm around his best friends shoulders while jordan is clinging to him like his life, they went upstairs to their room and sat down in Ethan's bed. they both leaned against the bed border. Ethan was running his fingers through Jordan hairs while Jordan was hugging him with his life, he's sobs turned into little sniffles

"you ready to talk now" Ethan said gently and Jordan nods

 "I'm sorry, I was just having a bad day like everything just went horribly wrong and scary survival got even worse than usual so I was really frustrated about that but I shouldn't have taken in it out on you, I swear I'm so sorry, I never meant to say you were the best friend in the world" Jordan apologized while calming Down.

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