Chapter 19

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𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝟭𝟵: 𝗛𝗮𝗿𝗿𝘆 𝗢𝘀𝗯𝗼𝗿𝗻

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𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝟭𝟵: 𝗛𝗮𝗿𝗿𝘆 𝗢𝘀𝗯𝗼𝗿𝗻

The past couple of days seemed like a horror story. Lyra tried her hardest to not let the breakup with Peter affect her life, she tried continuing the days as if everything was normal. But it seems as if she wasn't the only one affected by it. Gwen seemed to be down a bit lately, she saw how gloomy Lyra had been and it upset her. She tried her hardest to get Lyra up and out of the house, bring her to new restaurants and keep her entertained. Lyra couldn't be more grateful for a friend like Gwen, because it all made up feeling so much better.

Lyra had been up and at work every day, and it seemed to have distracted her a bit. And some changes have been made, Harry Osborn, an old classmate, is not located somewhere in the building. She was never good friends with the boy, but she knew Peter was, so maybe getting to know him better would be a good idea.

Although talking to Harry would be something she needs to convince herself to do, his dad had just died and it probably wouldn't be an appropriate time. It would probably also be very embarrassing, it had been quite a long time since she had seen him, and knowing Lyra, she would probably start talking to the wrong person, since she would hardly recognise him now.

So she decided to just head to her normal area, and sort out some files that were required. She sat at her desk, watching as everyone around her worked on different projects. Just before finishing up, she felt her phone in her pocket start to vibrate. Lyra grabbed her phone and stared at the number, she tried to ignore the sadness that overtook her as she didn't recognise Peter's number, before bringing it up to her ear.

"Hello," Lyra said into the phone.

"Hello, Is this Lyra Smith?" Questioned a lady over the phone. She sounded important, and Lyra started to feel a little nervous.

"Yes, this is her. Who's asking?" Lyra answered, trying to sound polite.

"I'm calling from the Oxford scholars program," The lady said, making Lyra's breath hitch. "We have some exciting news..."


Unlike Lyra, Peter's life seemed to be getting more boring as each day passed. He tried his best to text her each day, but he ended up deleting the words before he could press send.

At the moment, Peter was now standing next to a large oak staircase, glancing around anywhere. He still had the same backpack he always wore and kept his head low. The place seemed huge compared to him, and he didn't know what to expect. Maybe seeing Harry was a bad idea, maybe he should just turn away right now and go back home-

Disregarding all his thoughts, his head shot up at the sound of footsteps. Peter's eyes wandered up the staircase and saw Harry standing at the top, in a black suit. He hadn't changed much compared to the last time Peter saw him, it seems as if he grew a large amount of maturity though.

"Peter Parker," Harry called out, echoing around the place. He didn't have much emotion on his face at all, but his lips quirked up at the sight of Peter. "It's seeing a ghost."

"Hey, Harry." Peter sighed, a small smile making its way onto his face.

"It's been around, 10 years-"

"Eight years," Peter corrected. "Close."

"What's up, man?" Harry nodded, keeping his head high. He stood so still that it was beginning to worry Peter a little bit.

"What's all the news, man," Peter said, his voice quiet, almost as if he was whispering. He started making his way up the stairs towards his old friend. "I heard about your dad and I wanted to come...I just wanted to come and see you and to see how you- you were doing."

"I'm uh, I'm with some people." Harry nodded, his eyebrows furrowed a little. "I'm- I'm in a meeting."

"Sorry, I don't wanna intrude. I know it's been a long time." Peter sighed out, his face falling as he ran a hand through his hair. "I kind of know exactly what you're going through right now, and you were so there for me when my parents... " Peter trailed off, clearing his throat. "So that's why I'm here for you."

"Thank you," Harry spoke after a minute of silence.

Peter seemed to get the message, he was now a busy man and it seemed that he needed to get back to what he was doing. All he was there for, is to make sure he was doing alright. And besides the outrageous amount of hair gel in hair, he seemed to be doing fine.

"Well uh- It was good to see you, man." Peter finally replied, walking down the steps backwards as he makes his way towards the door. "It's good to see you, I'm sorry about you're a dad."

"You got you're braces off," Harry breathed out a laugh, walking down a couple of steps towards the boy. Peter turned around with a smile as Harry chuckled. "Now there's nothing to distract from your unibrow, you used to hate when people teased you for it. And I sure of hope you have gotten over that crush of yours, Miss Lyra Smith, if I'm correct." Harry spoke with a teasing voice, shaking his head at the memories.

Peter tried to hide his sadness at the mention of Lyra, but it was quickly replaced with a small laugh. He remembered how he always used to blabber on about Lyra to Harry, his cheeks now tinting a little pink. Typical first grade crushes.

"There he is." Peter breathed out a laugh as Harry chuckled in the background. "You still blow dry your hair every morning?"

"Um you know, one of my manservant's holds the hairdryer, but I work with the comb, okay so," Harry explained with hand gestured as Peter laughed. "At least I'm not completely helpless."

"You're stupid." Peter finally managed to breathe out as he jogged up the last couple of stairs, patting Harry on the back a few times before finally pulling him into a hug. "And you really couldn't blame me for that crush on, Lyra."


Peter spent the whole day with Harry, hanging out around the lake and having general conversations. He even spoke a little about his 'Complicated' relationship with Lyra, Harry partly shocked that Peter even had it in him to speak to her. Finally, as he made his way back home, he realised how cold the breeze was. He pulled his jacket around his shoulders more securely, when he heard his phone ringing.

He could recognise her number easily, and his breath hitched in his throat as it cleared it, before bringing the phone up to his ear, answering.

"We need to talk," Lyra spoke through the phone.



Whoopsies, I completely forgot to upload this yesterday! Anyway, at least I had time to revise it, it's currently 1 am hehe.

I'm trying to get as many uploads out as I can since I'm still a school student and I start back soon.

At a new high school as well.

But anyways I hope you all liked the chapter, I wanted to base it on Peters side perspective in this chapter since we all know 'part two' is a lot shorter than the first one!

Thanks for all the comments! I love flicking through them and laughing to myself xx

- BlueLouMoonlight

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