Chapter 23

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Chapter 23 - I love you

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Chapter 23 - I love you

Lyra was patiently seated on her bed reading a book, it was currently 8:45 and Lyra had just finished her breakfast cereal. Saturdays were normally a relaxed day, one she would normally spend with a friend or grocery shopping. However, this morning seemed as if it was going to be different. She was about a page away from finishing a chapter when her phone started ringing. Lyra rolled her eyes at first, yet when she picked up the phone, Peter's contact name appeared and Lyra answered the call immediately.

"Hey!" Lyra spoke into the phone.

"Please, please, please listen. If you're busy right now, I apologise but everything's wrong a mess. My dad, my mum, everything I thought about them, Lies. All lies!" Peter rambled, and Lyra could hear his breathing speed increase. "Lies, lies and lies. Nothing makes sense anymore Lyra, so there's that. And now Harry wants mine, well spider-mans blood to keep him alive but I can't give it to him in case it does the complete opposite. I don't know."

Lyra's eyes drooped as she heard the fear in Peter's voice, he was really scared.

"I can't count on anything now, the only thing I keep coming back to is you, Lyra!" Peter extended. "And no matter how many time's I beg myself to let you go, my heart can't take that."

Lyra felt tears upon the urge of falling, she took a deep breath before asking Peter to come over.


It was now 10:07 pm, Both Lyra and Peter were resting against the headboard of her bed silently, appreciating the silence. Peter gladly went over and spent the last 30 minutes explaining all about what he saw and heard from his father and the video. At some points, it looked like he was about to cry but he seemed to keep it together for her.

Lyra didn't have much to say, there wasn't anything she could say. So she settled on comfort.

They sat there with their pinkies interlocked and his head laying on her shoulder. She, over time, rested her head on top of his, feeling his steady heartbeat sink with hers.

"I don't know what I would do without you," Peter suddenly spoke.

"Hm, so Harry was right." Lyra smiled, unlocking their pinkies so she could grab his whole hand.

"Right about what?" He asked.

"He said you needed me, to help you make your choices clear." Lyra hummed, tracing her thumb around his palm.

"He's right, I do need you. More than anything." Peter lifted his head from her shoulder to stare into her eyes. "I don't know where I would be without you."

Lyra smiled leaning her forehead against his before connecting their lips for a short and sweet kiss. It was slow and steady but it meant the world to the two teenagers in love. Butterflies were spreading through both their stomachs making both of them smile against one another's lips. Once parted they both let out a small chuckle.

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