Chapter 24

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Chapter 24 - Everything must come to an end

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Chapter 24 - Everything must come to an end

(I had to make some changes to the end of the last chapter so I recommend reading it again)

Lyra's eyes shot open. Her head pounded and her eyelids burned. She could hardly remember anything that had happened for the past hour. If even. Her body layer in an uncomfortable position, her bare skin in contact with the icy cold ground. But it wasn't just that. She was being held. Being brutally squished by another person.

"Oh my god." He cried. Lyra couldn't see his face, but she felt his body shake repetitively. She still couldn't bring it in her to glance at him, she was exhausted. "Oh my god, you're alive."

That's when Lyra finally glanced back up at the person face. At first she could sense a comforting presence, as if she knew this boy so personally. But that didn't last long. He had brunette hair, and beautiful eyes, he was wearing some kind of suit.

The Spider-Man suit.

"I can't believe it, Lyra," more tears fell from the Spider-Man's eyes. He looked absolutely heartbroken as a sad smile appeared on his face. "I can't believe you're alive, how could I have done this to you.."

Lyra started to sit herself up. Her bones ached all over but she couldn't help herself. "How do you know my name?" She spoke, quietly but clear enough for the boy to here.

Spider-Man eyes quickly shot to her. His body tensing as he felt another wave of anxiety. "It's Peter, Lyra. You're Peter."

Peter? That name felt so familiar to Lyra but she just couldn't pinpoint it.

"I'm sorry," she whispered.

"Sorry for what Lyra, sorry for what?" Peter felt his eye water again, fresh tears poured down his face. How could this have happened? Did she really not remember him?

"I don't know," Lyra whispered, her eyes feeling droopy once more. "I'm really tired."

Peter had to push away his devastation and feeling for the time being. She was still in trouble and she needed to get to the hospital now. Peter couldn't imagine what life would be like without Lyra Smith. He almost did for about 2 minutes and it was the worst kind of pain that he has ever felt. Even if Lyra couldn't remember him after everything, he will do his very best to work his way back into her heart.

And just like that, Peter carefully picked up the love of his life, letting her lay comfortably and safe in his arms. As Spider-Man quickly swung to the hospital, he always checked that her eyes remained open and she was awake.

And now here he was. Not as Spider-Man but as Peter, sitting in the waiting room. Waiting.


"Peter, you can come in now." The nurse woke the boy up from his thoughts. It had been a couple hours, and it had been torture for the boy. He couldn't believe it, couldn't believe anything that happened. He spent 10 minutes punching himself, begging for this too be a dream and for him to wake up any second. But I didn't work.

Peter took a deep breath, standing up and he walked through the doors of her room.

Once he caught the girls eye, he immediately relaxed. She looked so much better then she was in the clock tower, she looked beautiful.

Peter made his way over to her, the sound of his footsteps alarming her. Lyra's eyes quickly averted to his, a small smile appearing on her face.

"Peter!" She smiled, moving quickly to sit up but wincing as her body ached. Peter immediately grabbed her hips to lay her back down. He quickly ignored the fact that she sounded like she knew him, not wanting to get his hopes up but then she spoke again. "Peter, it's me."

Peters eyes glanced through hers, a small smile appeared on his face as a mixture of happy and sad tears formed in his eyes. "You remember me?"

"Yes," Lyra smiled. "How could I forget you?"

"You did before," Peter smiled sadly, "Gave me my second heart attack in the time span of 2 minutes."

"Sounds like me," Lyra laughed quickly as Peter shook his head. "I can't remember anything that happened though. The last thing I us on the bridge."

Peter then lowered his head. He caused this. He did this too her. She doesn't deserve someone like him.

"I'm so sorry Lyra," he cried. "I'm so sorry, it's all my fault I-"

"Please don't apologise." She quickly spoke, tears forming in her eyes. Lyra grabbed his arm and pulled it towards her, bringing his body to lay down right next to her. "It's not you're fault, okay?"

"If I just left you alone like I said I would, you wouldn't be here right now." He said.

"Everything happens for a reason, Peter. If I had left this world tonight, just know it would have been for the better." She smiled sadly. "But I haven't, and I'm here right by your side. Where I'll always be."

The couple both broke down in each others arms, gripping onto each other for dear life. A part of Peter broke today, something in his heart broke and at the time, it seemed like it couldn't of been mended. But here she is. Here is Lyra, the love of his life mending it.

This is where the twos story ends now. It ends as they happily stay together forever and love each other endlessly. No matter what happens in their life, they will always stick together. Forever. It ends just how it started. Peter Parker and Lyra Smith.

The end.


Holy cow. It's been a while.
It's currently 1:00am in the morning on a Monday. 27 of March 2023.

The night never failed to keep me awake and now it kept me up to convince me to put an end to this story. This ending should have been written ages ago and I apologise for that. I knew everyone needed an ending and it was about time for me to write this. And I'm so glad I did. I knew from the very beginning of this book that I was gonna finish it, no matter what. And here it is, completed.

I am so incredibly grateful for each and every one of you who has read this story. This book means so much to me and I'm so glad I could finish it! Thank you all for your lovely comments, I'm so grateful.

Thank you all for reading Lyra and Peters story.

Until next time
- BlueLouMoonlight signing off.

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