Panic attack

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Tom was walking to desi's dorm as he wanted to cuddle and he thought that she was there.
She was in class at the time in makeup sessions to lift her grade.
He opened the door and saw that she had an attack.
The room was ripped apart.
Tom started to feel a sense of panic that he wasn't smart enough to answer her calls, he felt his knees buckling.
He went into the bathroom to see the sink covered in blood.
The shower curtain and the walls were also covered.
It looked like she was in a state of panic and rushed to clean herself up.
He saw her phone on the bed.
He saw that she broke it in half, he fell onto his knees.
He knew that she needed him last night he just didn't want to help her.
Desi came back to her dorm after her classes.
She left early because her knuckles were bleeding again.
She opened the door to see tom hyperventilating.
She put her stuff on the desk beside her.
She crawled to him and hugged him.
"Breath tom, breath with me ok," said desi.
She pushed his head to her chest so he could copy her heartbeat with his breathing.
"Shhh, it's ok lovely.
Just listen to my heartbeat" said desi.
He calmed down.
"Just breath, that's it," said desi.
She looked at him and smiled.
She wiped his tears.
"How are you a cute crier, when I cry I look like a wale on drugs.
Damn, how the hell did I get you" said desi.
He smirked.
"I love you," said desi.
She gets up.
She gets a book.
"How about I read the magic history we did today.
Otherwise, we can get my blood off my bathroom and really everywhere" said desi.
"Can you read to me darling, I would really like that?" said tom.
"Get into bed, I just changed the sheets.
I'm pretty happy about that.
I got this new scent and it's fucking beautiful" said desi.
She jumped in stuffing her face.
"Merlins I love fresh laundry so much.
Now lay on mamma's chest and let's read babe" said desi.
He rolled his eyes.
"Fine, please can you lay on my chest my love," said desi.
He listened and laid on her as he read.

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