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"No, no no no, this can't be possible!" Luke screamed, as the person on the new video chat screen smiled evilly.. "Kourt Myers is dead, not alive!" Luke screeched.

"Yeah see, but death got a little boring for me, so I decided to become a ghost!" Kourt Myers sarcastically said, a smirk placed on her lips. "Literally."

Everyone was horrified. Was this really Kourt? I mean, it couldn't possibly be, considering the fact that she's, oh I don't know-DEAD! That's what everyone was thinking as they all stared wide eyed and horrified at the sight of Kourt.

No one in the group spoke up, because they were all to terrified at what might happen if they did.

"You-you're joking!" Katie, decided to speak up for them all, causing Kourt to raise an eyebrow. "If you're really Kourt, prove it. For all we know, this could be some type of video or whatever that Kourt somehow made before she died, or something?"

Kourt just smiled a evil little smile, before disappearing from the screen she was on. Everyone started freaking out, wondering where exactly Kourt disappeared too.

"Relax dumbasses, I'm not going to kill any more of you guys... If you tell me who posted the video." Kourt's voice laughed, as Kourt appeared on her screen again. "And I just went to clean up a mess I made.. If you know what I mean." She winked at the camera, while everyone just stared at her in horror.

"We've already told you, nobody posted the goddamn video! Why can't you just leave us the hell alone!?" Katie screamed at Kourt, who was still smirking at everyone.

Then, she laughed. She laughed one of the most evil laughs any of the friends had ever heard before in their entire lives. She glared at Katie when she was done, a smirk still glued to her features.

"Hey Katie, I just remembered something." Kourt said to Katie, a hint of amusement in her tone. Katie just scoffed, before rolling her eyes.

"Oh yeah? And what's that?" Katie snapped, as Kourt just smirked even bigger.

"Well, I have to play it. Luke, do you wanna see what I'm talking about? I think you would, considering it's involving two people." Kourt asked Luke, who was starting to get annoyed with Kourt.

"What the hell are you even talking about?" Luke snapped, but did want to know what the hell Kourt was talking about. Kourt just smiled, still staring at Katie, who was glaring right back.

"Here," Kourt said, already pulling a video up on her screen, about ready to press play. "Let this do the talking instead."

Katie was lying down on a queen size bed, her shirt laying beside her, while her bra was still in contact with her body. Somebody else came into view a few moments later.

Calum. "Are you sure about this?" He asked Katie, who was giggling like mad.

"Yes, I'm sure. Otherwise, I wouldn't be here right now, would I?" She laughed, as Calum shook his head no.

"Exactly, silly. Now come on! Are we gonna do this or what?" Katie asked Calum, who leaned down to kiss her on the lips.

"Yeah," Calum smirked, pulling away from Katie's lips. "We're gonna do this."

"What the fuck!" Luke screeched, glaring at his girlfriend through his computer. "Did I seriously just see a video of you cheating on me?!"

Katie wasn't looking at, r even paying attention to Luke, who was extremely pissed. Instead, she was glaring furiously at Kourt, who was smiling all innocently at Katie.

"You're a fucking bitch, you know that right?!" Katie yelled at Kourt, who just nodded at her words,like they were nothing. "Why would you even show him that?! To piss him off and make him hate me? Or to get one of us to fucking tell who posted the dumbass video?

Well guess what! None of us did! So leave us all the fuck alone, okay?" Katie screamed at Kourt, who was just sitting there, being totally still, and silent.

"You know what?" Kourt said, after five minutes of total silence from her. "Michael, your turn will have to wait. Because now, it's Katie's turn."

Katie suddenly turned a ghostly pale. Her eyes were wide, and she looked like she was about to cry. "Oh god no, please I'm so sorr-" Her sentence was cut off, because her camera went black, and her sound mute. And Kourt wasn't in her screen anymore.

Everyone knew what was happening. They just didn't want to see. Especially Luke, considering the fact that it was his girlfriend after all.

But, Katie;s camera unfroze, and revealed her neck having been cut open, blood still pouring from it, with a knife in her hand. Luke started to sob as soon as he saw Katie, because she was his first love and all.

Kourt was suddenly back in her screen again, her legs crossed in her seat. "Well, three down, four to go. Anyone want to fess up yet? Or am I going to have to kill someone else for you to fess up? It's your choice. I'd choose correctly though."

hi hey i hate my life but pls read vote and comment yay thanks

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