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Jimin was on his phone, walking around the living room while Jin stood at the counter in the kitchenette, Soyoung standing on a stool next to him as the two decorated homemade pizzas for that day's lunch. "Yes, hi, this is Park Jimin. I called yesterday but no one was available." He paused while the receptionist on the other end asked him how she could help him. "I need to schedule an appointment for my son, Jungkook." The receptionist asked him what kind of appointment. "We just found out he's..." he glanced over at his youngest child, who was still oblivious to what was going on with her older brother, before lowering his voice, "pregnant and he needs to see Dr. Hwang as soon as possible." Dr. Hwang was a female beta who Jimin had been seeing since he first became pregnant with Jungkook. He trusted her enough that he felt comfortable with his son seeing her for his first pregnancy, and he was sure that Jungkook would be comfortable too. "Monday at 9:30. Sounds good, we'll be there then."

Jungkook came into the room as Jimin put his phone back in his pocket, looking extremely nervous, probably from knowing he'd be telling Taehyung the news later that day. Jungkook looked like he was about to ask his dad something, but then Jin spoke up from where he was bent over, sliding the pizzas into the oven. "Jimin, you're gonna want to get going if you don't want to be late for your date."

"You're going on a date?" Jungkook asked, looking slightly betrayed. "You said you would be here for me today."

Jimin gently rubbed Jungkook's arms to try to calm him down. "And I will~" Jimin shot a glare towards his father. "Your grandfather thought it would be funny to go through my things and text a random person to set up a date. I'm only going there to explain to him what happened, and I will be back before Taehyung gets here." At that moment, Taehyung burst through the front door in his work uniform, panting and sweating like crazy as if he ran across town to get there. "Or I'll be here now."

"You should really start locking that." Jin commented, pulling a bottle of water out of the fridge and earning another glare from his son.

Jungkook, sporting a look of confusion, walked over to his boyfriend, wanting to give him a hug but hesitant to because of the situation. "Tae, what are you doing here? I thought you weren't coming over until tonight."

Taehyung nodded, still trying to catch his breath. "Yeah, but you said it was important, and that got me worried, like maybe you're sick and dying, so I ran over here before going to work." Taehyung was a freshman at the local university as a theatre major. He also worked part time in the university's financial aid office. The university was across town from where they lived and Taehyung lived on campus, and also did not own a car, meaning he really had run all the way across town to get there. "Can I get some water?" He asked as Jungkook led him over to the couch. Jin was just about to take a sip from the water bottle he had pulled out of the fridge, but paused as Taehyung asked his question and Jimin gave him a look. He sighed and handed the bottle over to his son, who then passed it on to the young alpha.

Taehyung gulped down half the bottle as Jungkook ran his hands through his boyfriend's slightly damp hair. "I can't believe you ran all the way across town just for me."

Taehyung turned his head to look Jungkook in the eyes as he responded. "I would run all the way across the world for you."

Jimin internally squealed over the cuteness of it, while Jin fake gagged, gaining the attention of everyone in the room. "Sorry, I'm just not used to...this." He gestured towards the young couple. "I've never been one for the soft, fluffy moments." He waved his hand in the air in the universal signal for 'the floor is yours'. "Please, continue~"

"So, what is it?" Taehyung asked, causing Jungkook to bite his lip nervously. "You're not actually dying, are you?"

Jungkook shook his head, taking Taehyung's hand in his. "No, I'm not dying, Tae." He looked around the room at his family to try to build up his confidence, and Jimin ushered Soyoung to go to her room and play until lunch was ready, still wanting her to remain oblivious to the situation until they had everything worked out. "I'm pregnant~" Jungkook finally confessed, and Taehyung's eyes immediately widened.

"You are?" The alpha asked for confirmation, earning a nervous nod from the young omega. "But how?" In Taehyung's mind, they had always been safe, listening to everything they had been told by Jungkook's dad in order to prevent something like this from happening.

Jin was the one that responded, and definitely not as politely as the other two omegas would have. "My guess is that you were an idiot who forgot to pull out before you knotted."

Taehyung's eyes widened as he recalled a moment from a little over a month earlier. "But it was only once! And it was an accident!" He turned to Jungkook, panic in his eyes. "Tell them it was an accident!" Jungkook rolled his eyes at his boyfriend, reaching up to run his fingers through his hair again to calm him down.

Jimin had always approved of Taehyung and Jungkook dating. Taehyung was different than most alphas Jimin had met, even going as far as to ask Jimin's permission before dating Jungkook (although Jimin was high as a kite when he had, so it wouldn't have mattered if Taehyung was good for his son or not when he gave him his blessing). But it was times like these when the young alpha tested his patience. "Taehyung," Jimin said calmly. "It doesn't matter if it was an accident. It happened. You knotted him. He got pregnant. It's done."

Taehyung stayed quiet as he wrapped his brain around the fact that he had gotten his boyfriend pregnant. When he finally came to terms with it, he shifted on the couch, turning to face Jungkook and wrapping an arm around his waist, his free hand seeking out the omega's so they could intertwine their fingers. "So what do you want?" Jungkook tilted his head slightly, prompting the alpha to elaborate. "Whatever you think will be best for you, I'll be here to support you. Whether that be keeping the baby, or not keeping the baby...or even not keeping me..." Taehyung's eyes filled with sadness at the possibility that Jungkook might not want to be with him anymore. "Whatever you want, I'll go along with."

A soft smile spread across Jungkook's face and he leaned forward to gently press his lips to Taehyung's for a few seconds. "I want to keep the baby...and I want to keep it with you." Taehyung returned the smile and kiss, happy to know that Jungkook didn't resent him for messing up his life.

"Okay," Jimin interrupted the couple's moment. "Why don't you two go off and discuss things, just the two of you, but if you do want some help or advice, we will be here for you." The young couple got off the couch and made their way to Jungkook's room. "But maybe keep the door open this time?" Jimin called out after them.

Jin scoffed. "He's already pregnant, what else do you think could happen?"

Jimin turned to face his dad. "I don't know and I don't want to find out."

The younger omega moved to grab his things to go meet the alpha from a couple of nights earlier. "So, for an alpha, Taehyung's pretty sweet and accommodating."

"Yeah, I'm glad it's him that got Jungkook pregnant. If it were anyone else, my sobriety would probably be out the window." Jimin said, not feeling the need to explain that he wasn't glad that Jungkook is pregnant, because he knew his dad understood what he meant. "Anyway, I'll be back later after I sort out this mess that you created." Jimin glared at his dad before leaving the house.

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