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Jimin leaned against the bathroom door, a soft smile on his face as he watched Jungkook and Taehyung attempt to bathe Jiwoo for the first time. "Would you hurry up?" Jungkook asked, his exhaustion from the past two weeks of being a parent coming through as frustration over Taehyung holding a wet washcloth out as if he were about to wipe down their pup, but not moving an inch.

"I don't want to hurt him!" Taehyung defended himself, moving the washcloth closer to Jiwoo only to pull it back again.

"Give it here~" Jungkook took the washcloth, dipping it in the warm water in the baby bath, squeezing a bit of the excess water out before gently wiping and dabbing at the pup's face.

Jimin continued to watch as the couple bathed their pup together, nearly crying until a poke in his side made him jump. "Come on, it's time to go to the meeting." Seokjin informed the younger omega, already completely ready to go to their AA meeting, including holding a beautifully crafted cake for the refreshment table in his hands.

"Okay, I'm coming~" Jimin turned back to his son and Taehyung, who now had finished the pup's short bath and were busy drying him off to dress him. "We're heading out. You two will be okay, right?"

Jungkook nodded, standing up and leaving Taehyung to put Jiwoo's diaper on by himself in order to pull Jimin into a tight hug. "Thank you for all your help~" He whispered, squeezing Jimin once more before letting go.

"My pleasure~" Jimin whispered, feeling tears starting to spill over again. He decided that it would be good to leave before he got too emotional, so he quickly left, grabbing his bag on his way out of the house.


"So, yeah, that's kind of how my life has been." Jimin began to wrap up his turn. "My dad and I are finally at a good point in our relationship, I got closure on my past and who I am, I got to experience actual feelings for someone that weren't drug induced or enabled..." Jimin took a deep breath to get through the memory of Yoongi before continuing on, "my son no longer hates me, and I have the most adorable grandbaby in the entire universe. While I do miss having a full night of sleep without a newborn's cries interrupting it, I couldn't ask for my life to be in a better place right now." The group started to applaud as Jimin thanked them for listening and returned to his seat next to Seokjin.

"You're doing good." Seokjin whispered to him as the next person moved to the front to share. "I'm really proud of you."

Jimin smiled over at his dad. "I'm proud of you too." He was about to turn back to the front when the person cleared their throat, the familiar sound making him freeze.

"Hi, I'm Yoongi~" Jimin's gaze finally shot to the front as he looked at the alpha with wide eyes. "It's my first time here, so I'm not exactly sure what to talk about." He chuckled nervously before taking a deep breath. "I never really though I had a problem. I was always taught that it doesn't matter how much you drink as long as it doesn't get in the way of your work. So, I followed in that logic, spent most nights getting drunk, but always made sure I was sober when actually at work. Then I met this omega." Jimin's chest started to feel tight as tingles spread through his lower abdomen. "He wasn't just any omega, he was the most beautiful, funniest, smartest, kindest omega I had ever met. It took a long time to convince him to even give me, to give us a chance because he felt like he was damaged in some way. Like he wasn't good enough." For probably the tenth time that day, Jimin felt tears trying to push their way out. "It was the exactly opposite though, I wasn't good enough for him, I definitely didn't deserve all the support and love he gave me during our brief time together. He made me realize that I wasn't the best version of myself, I wasn't the person I truly wanted to be. So, I decided to stop drinking because of him." Jimin couldn't help but smile a bit as Yoongi's speech went on. "These past few weeks have been some of the hardest of my life,  I even tried beating up my best friend on multiple occasions for trying to help me, but I am thankful that he's stayed with me despite that. Even with that, I feel like I am truly starting to be more of who I want to be, and I'm hoping that I will end up being a better person, someone who's actually deserving of my....that omega." Yoongi shyly thanked the group as they began to applaud him, and Jimin could feel Seokjin's eyes burning through him, but he didn't care as his eyes were only on Yoongi.

After the meeting, Jimin spotted Yoongi over by the refreshment table and mustered up the courage to walk over there. "So, this omega," Yoongi jumped looking over at Jimin in surprise as he hadn't expected the omega to want to talk to him. "He sounds pretty special."

Yoongi nodded, his eyes softening as he regarded Jimin with the same look that once scared the omega, but now just made him feel safe and accepted. "Yeah, he really is." After a moment of silence, Jimin opened his mouth to say something, but was interrupted by Yoongi suddenly holding out his hand. "I'm Yoongi, by the way. And you are?"

At first Jimin was confused, but then he giggled when he realized that Yoongi was obviously attempting to start over with him. "I'm Jimin~" He shook the alpha's hand with a small smile.

"Well, Jimin, this might seem a bit forward, but..." Yoongi took a deep breath to calm his nerves. "Would you like to get dinner with me some time?"

Jimin's smile widened and he nodded. "I'd love to~" Yoongi returned the smile and offered a cup of coffee to Jimin.

The omega had just accepted the beverage and brought the cup up to his lips to take a drink when Seokjin appeared next to him. "Aw, yay! Everything's working out! You and Yoongi are trying again, Jiwoo is completely healthy, and everything is going right!" Jimin nodded slightly as he took another sip. "That means this is the perfect time to tell you that I'm fucking your father again!" Jimin choked on his coffee, involuntarily spitting out the hot liquid onto the cake Seokjin had made. "Well if you wanted coffee cake, you should have asked me to make some!"

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