This takes place in the MCU, Earth-19999999, Where Peter Parker Joined Civil War, Defeated Vulture, And Mysterio. He identity was revealed once but by the help of his multiverse friends and doctor strange. His identity was forgotten to the world. Th...
Kraven: A war has driven us crazy here...At a nowhere town, a nowhere city apart of russia, War Was Ordered here..Across lands.
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Kraven: Many people died that day, not knowing where the fuck they were going, Everybody was weak and useless..Until I was there..
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Kraven: Badass and ready to crack ass...I was almost killed tho but at the end i killed the guy, I saved Russia and its peoples, There were no more wars going on with russia anymore, I had to spark the news...I had to move to new york, But i heard of this spider-guy? A bug-man, His name was Spider-Man... On the "Daily Bugle" Pfft...we don't even have a daily bugle in russia..i encountered someone else who was russian...Yelena Belova, Tho she did attack me. Thought i was someone, a cold blooded human-hunter. No, But i challenge to train spider-man into becoming a true Spider-Man, I want to be a mentor to him, That's why i want him. Tho i know his identity..Peter Benjamin Parker. As if i didnt know, I avoided that spell doctor strange casted Because i was on a trip to space around that time,Today...Parker is gonna be my sidekick.
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