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I was nervous if not even worse.
All in all it was my second year at high school.
High school is supposed to be fun they said.
It was fun at first but right now? It's hard for me.

We moved to my Grandmothers house in between the end of my first year and the beginning of my second year.

She was barely able to do things on her own anymore. If weakened is the right word to use, it definitely described her state at that time.
Sadly she had to stay at the hospital for several days  before the doctors decided to send her home so she could spend the rest of her time alive with the people she loved most.

My mom had decided that it would be best for us to stay and spend the rest of my teenage years where she grew up. Away from all the loud noises and the constant stress.
It is beautiful, I hate to admit it.
Right now I would rather be enjoying my time with my friends at school instead of being here but to my despair I will not be seeing them anytime soon.

"Sowon-ah stop making these faces! You'll enjoy yourself the same way I did.", my mother said with a stern look on her face.

I looked at her through the rearview mirror and nodded. Silently mocking her in my head.
I looked out of the window until we arrived at the parking lot of the new school I was attending.

"This is gonna be fun.", I thought to myself.

I got out of the car and waved my mother goodbye. Unfortunately I will have to take the bus home later because my mother will be working until tomorrow morning. To her luck she received a job as a nurse at the Hospital in town.

I did end up waiting a few minutes in front of the school to calm myself down but those few minutes slowly turned into ten minutes and they definitely made me more nervous which is why I ended up freezing for another five minutes.
It had to be all of the people running into the school.
As a matter of fact, I was supposed to be in the building around 15 minutes before classes start.
The realisation hit me exactly 7 minutes too late so I hurriedly made my way inside to look for the secretary's office.

Once I knocked on the door and made up a believable reason as to why I am late on my first day off school, she reassuringly told me that I don't have to worry about any consequences and that the teacher I was supposed to have was running late himself.

Soon enough I was led to the classroom by the teacher, trying to keep up with his big steps.

"You'll be fine!", the teacher smiled at me and I just nervously smiled in return.

Making our way into the classroom I definitely expected a mess. Maybe students screaming, laying on top of each other or playing some sick pranks on other students or per say even the teacher.
To my surprise none of that was happening.
It was silent and no one even dared to talk.
Every single student was sitting on their chair, calmly waiting for the teacher to arrive not even whispering to each other.

"Is this some sort of inside joke or am I missing something?", confused I just furrowed my eyebrows and waited for the teacher to announce my arrival.

I closed the door behind me wanting to make as little noise as possible because the silence did take its toll on me.
I looked around the classroom my gaze stopping in the far left corner.

"So that's what's going on? They're scared of a bunch of cool kids?", I slightly shook my head trying to contain myself.

I was probably just assuming things but their faces did make it seem more believable.

I straightened my skirt and calmly but nervously introduced myself to the class. I was desperately trying not to tap my foot on the floor. Sadly a habit of mine when I find myself in nerve wrecking situations.

Blue Souls | 이 희승 | Lee HeeseungWhere stories live. Discover now