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My head was throbbing.
My heart was pounding and I thought I was going crazy. I was more aware of all my senses. A weird occurrence considering that I'm never really aware of the things around me.

Honestly? Everything seemed like a fever dream.

All the noises were driving me crazy. Especially the foot tapping or the scratching against dry skin.
I heard people talking around me, walking around the room, and shuffling through papers but I wasn't fully able to make out who they were. Their voices were muffled but everything else seemed so close yet so far away.

"How did she even get that cup in the first place?"

The room went silent. No one dared to talk. No one moved. I was the only making noises. My heavy breathing audible to everyone in the room.

"I swear I don't know hyung. It was supposed to be for Jake.", someone whispered after a while.

I heard sighing and some people sitting down.
I finally moved and opened my eyes closing them milliseconds after that due to the bright light.

"Where even am I?", I thought to myself.

"Good morning. You fell asleep on our couch.", I heard a familiar voice say.

I opened my eyes to see Heeseung standing in front of the bed I was laying on.

"Oh good lord...", I whispered to myself adding: "Has anyone seen my phone? My mom..."

I was panicking and everyone in the room seemed to notice.

"Sowon don't worry about it. After your mom sent you the first few messages we decided to answer her briefly by saying that you stayed at a friends house after she invited you over because it was too late to take the bus home." , Jay calmly said from across the room.

"There was also no way we were gonna be able to wake you up noona.", someone said.

"Don't just go call her noona Ni-ki!", Sunoo smacked the younger boy's head lightly.

"But she fell asleep on our couch and she's friends with Hee and Jay Hyung?! I have every right to call her noona Sunoo", he whispered then smirking a little.

They argued for a little longer until I told them that it's okay.
I was embarrassed to say the least. I don't know what the hell in my drink was but I definitely will not be drinking it again.

I straightened myself up and looked around.
Furrowing my eyebrows after I was able to read what the poster across the room said although the text was pretty small. Normally I wouldn't be able to do that. I actually have to wear glasses but I never do because I don't like the way they look on me.

"Everything alright?", Jake said looking at me and then concerned to the other people in the room.

I quickly nodded.
"Yes don't worry. My head just hurts a lot. Especially my throat. I probably accidentally slept with my mouth open. Happens quite a lot actually.", I brushed it off.

Everyone went silent again though this time it was really awkward.

Heeseung noticed thankfully and coughed a little.

"Anyways, Sowon I'll show you the bathroom so you can freshen up a little. You guys can go wait downstairs.", he motioned for me to follow him.

We went down the hall to the last door on the left.

"So uh no one really uses that bathroom because we all have our own but there's extra toiletry stuff in the cabinets and under the sink. If you want to take a shower you definitely can. No one's stopping you.", he smiled.

"Thank you Heeseung!"

He looked at me for a second and then smiled again.

"If you need something just call for me. I'll be in my room until you're ready."

I nodded and went into the bathroom.
I decided to take a shower because I felt like it might help me relax a little.
Brushing my teeth with a spare toothbrush I looked in the drawers for a hairbrush.

After brushing my hair and doing some skin care with the minimal supplies I look at the pile of clothes in the corner.

"I really don't want to wear them again.", I thought to myself.

I don't remember how many minutes I stood there debating wether or not I should wear them again or if I should just ask Heeseung for some spare clothes , I heard a knock on the door.

"Yes?", I asked.

"Hey it's Hee. I heard you turning on the shower so I decided to look for some spare clothes you could wear. I'll just leave them in front of the door alright? The T-shirt might be too big because it's mine but I found a pair of Jungwon's Sweatpants and I think it should fit just fine! I'll wait downstairs with the others then."

"Thank you so much! I'll be down in a few!", I answered. Happy that I didn't have to wear my uniform again.

I put both the T-Shirt and the Sweatpants on. Both were too big though I liked wearing oversized clothes in general but I was practically swimming in Heeseung's T-Shirt. Laughing at myself in the mirror I neatly folded my uniform and went downstairs. I did look kind of ridiculous.

Everyone was waiting for me in the kitchen.

"I'm sorry...I did not mean to make you guys wait.", unsure on where to sit I decided to sit down next to Jay after he smiled at me.

Everyone assured me that it really wasn't a big problem which relieved me.

We ate breakfast together. Everyone just ate what they felt like eating so I had some bread with strawberry jam on it. The jam tasted amazing.

"Heeseung couldn't you find that girl a T-Shirt that actually fits? There's literally more T-Shirt than Sowon", Sunghoon said sheepishly.

I looked at Heeseung and he rolled his eyes.

"I was not in the mood to try and fight myself through your rooms. You can barely walk in them."

"Valid point." I say while taking another bite of my bread. 

We ended up sitting down in the living room after we were done with eating.

I was confused, though the answer to all my questions seemed complex but the curiosity got the best of me.

"Now tell me what that the hell in that drink was."


whenever i set myself deadlines i end up not holding them in 😭💀.
anyways wtf is wrong with sowon?

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