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"Now tell me what that the hell in that drink was."

"It was Jake's ADHD medication.", Niki blurted out.

I was expecting everything but definitely not that.
It definitely made me raise an eyebrow suspecting the worst.

"ADHD medication?", I ask again.

I almost feel every single emotion in that room but the feeling of agreement was nowhere to be...felt?
Looking at every person in the room I knew that they were trying not to show their actual thoughts.

"Exactly. ADHD medication.", Jungwon said and the others just nodded.

I was honestly desperately trying to just let it go but I couldn't.

"Are you guys taking drugs?", I said with a stern look on my face.

"No!", Heeseung said almost offended.

"Sorry... it's just that ADHD medication definitely does not give you these results.", I hesitantly say.

"Do you have ADHD?", Sunoo asked curiously.

"My mom treats neurodivergent people. Children and teenagers to be more specific, so that includes people with ADHD.", I answered.

"Oh...", Sunno nodded and looked at Niki as if he'd be ready to smack his head"

"Anyways. What was that?", I ask a third time being more pushy this time.

"For you to find out another time.", Heeseung coldly says and stands up.

He walked up to me which made me nervous.
"I'll drive you home."

I wanted to protest but I didn't dare to.
He looked scary and definitely not as sweet as yesterday.
The mood in the living room instantly changed and I saw everyone become stiff, falling silent.

I didn't say anything and just stood up looking at the others. I waved and mouthed a small, silent "Bye", and went after Heeseung who had already left the room and was waiting for me in the entrance era.

I closed the door that led to the living era and silently put on my shoes.
I was standing in between the door outside and Heeseung.
As he is taller than me I had to looked up to him.
I asked one last time.
"What was in that drink."

He took a step forward making my lean against the door to create more room.
Which he definitely did not care about because he took another step forward looking down at me.

"As I already said Sowon. It's for you to find out another time as it is none of your fucking business alrighty?", he said calmly but definitely not softly.

I gulped and nodded.
I didn't know what to say so I just reached for the door handle and slightly pushed him away from me so that I could open the door.
I went outside and made my way to were I saw cars parking.
I just waited for Heeseung to open one of the cars to get in.

See the car right was not uncomfortable but I really just didn't dare to say anything.
I felt like I overstepped their or his boundaries though I also did not want to apologise as I did deserve to know what was in that drink as no one wanted to tell me.
I didn't talk until Heeseung did.
I think he saw that I was shivering which is why he silently turned the heater on.

"Next time please tell me when you're cold...", he quietly says.

I nodded.

"It's not that I don't want to tell you. We or I just feel like it is better for you to stay clueless. You're not apart of this world.", he says looking at the street in front of him.

"What world that is so different from mine are you supposed to be living in?", I finally said.

He just sighed and didn't say anything.

I was surprised that he knew where I lived because I never told him but then I remembered that they did talk to my mom when I was sleeping.

"Thank you for driving me home.", I said and went outside just to find him bringing me to my doorstep.

"Don't be too mad. You'll find out.", he said.

"Okay.", is all I said.

I opened my door.

We just waved at each other and then he left.

"You're not apart of this world.", I recalled his words.

What world?
How am I not apart of it?
I didn't understand and maybe It should've stayed like that.


literally just gonna update whenever i feel like it hdjdkd sorry but finishing this might take me a while...
anyways drama lol
what would you want to happen in the future?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2022 ⏰

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