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"You're Sowon right?"

I had to mentally prepare myself before turning around. As stupid as it sounds but I was not expecting the Party to be that alive already.

Facing a tall boy, I nodded carefully getting the book and the envelope out of my backpack.

"Uh hey..it seems like one of you guys left it at the bus station earlier and I felt like it might be important to one of you which is why I wanted to get it back to you. My apologies for just randomly showing up but I looked at the invitation and thought I would drop it off on my way home because the location is pretty close from where I live. I wasn't aware that it's gonna be so big.", I nervously said while giving the boy the things back.

"Mhm to me it seems like you wanted to leave again and not actually give it back.", he said looking at the book in his hands.

"I was not sure whether or not I should actually give it back when I stood in front of the door. I did not want to interrupt your fun. I swear I didn't look through it!", I quickly added.

"Although I did see some of the pages but that was on accident.", I thought to myself.

He raised his eyebrows scanning my face.
I was nervously playing with the hem of my face because it became kind of awkward.
He wasn't saying anything and just looked at me.

"It's up to me if I believe what you just said but either way. Thank you for bringing it back. It's actually mine so I'm grateful that you took the time out of your day to bring it back.", he jokingly smiled at me and I swear to god I saw him mocking me for a split second.

"Of course, no problem! I think I'll leave now so you guys can keep partying. Happy Birthday to the birthday child by the way!", I said while putting my backpack back on.
I proceeded to make my way back to the bus station but was stopped in the middle of the hallway by a hand holding on to my arm.

"Wait don't go! I have to thank you somehow and if that means inviting you to our party then so it be!", he said looking down at me.

"I'm sorry but I should go. And not to make it weirder but I don't even know you or your name."
I was confused. I really was.

"But you know Jay now don't you? And now you know two people there! I'm Heeseung.", he grinned like a child.

"What about the birthday child? Is he even fine with someone else joining? I really don't want to interrupt. I mean I did show up unannounced.", it was obvious that I did not want to stay. As a matter of fact I was more than hesitant to even come here.

My head and my heart were pounding.
Undoubtedly scared that Heeseung might even hear both.
The music was quieter where we were standing but still loud enough to mess with my head.

He slowly let go of my arm and scratched his neck.

"It's Jungwon's party but his actual birthday was almost a month ago. We decided to wait until we all got back to school because we wanted it to be bigger. He will not mind because i'm the only one that did not invite any friends. So technically I can invite you last minute Sowon. Will you accept my invite?", he took the invite out of his book and handed it to me.

I took it into my hands and looked at it for a moment.
"I'm still in my school uniform."

"Don't worry, no one will judge you. You look beautiful.", he said putting has hands into the pocket of his trousers.

I looked up at him and smiled in return.

"Okay but only for a small drink of whatever you guys have.", I sighed giving in.

Blue Souls | 이 희승 | Lee HeeseungWhere stories live. Discover now