Preface: a hard decision

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  Authors note~ I made an adjustment to the ages. I know that Selina was 27 when she met Bat man and so I was trying to make this as real as possible but I might make some mistakes with ages and other facts! I haven't watched that many of the Batman movies, but I'm getting there and maybe you could just point out when I make mistakes and I'll fix them to the best of my ability! Thank you! ❤️~

   It was my own fault. I didn't care about the consequences. And now, I'm pregnant.

   "What are you gonna do?" Asked my roommate. She wasn't the greatest person to live with, but neither am I. "I mean it's not like you can get an abortion or anything. You could probably put it up for adoption. They do that for people, right?"

   She asked it like we were deciding what to wear for a rave. "I don't know what I'm gonna do yet. But I can't keep it. It doesn't need to be in this death hole."

   Im 17, I've barely been keeping my own out here, I can't afford to take care of a baby! Let alone being a single mom can't be any easier than what I've heard. Not like my roommate will help either.

   "I'll see what I can do about it." I glance at her. She shrugs and goes back to doing what she had been doing before. What a great help. Sarcasm. Obviously.

~ six and a half months later~
3rd POV
   You could hear Selina's screams as she went threw one of the punishments of God: pregnancy.

   "Ahhhhh! Ohhhh Fuck! Shiiiiit! Get this thing out already!" Selina had been at this for 6 hours and was ready for it all to be over. A nurse was trying to calm her down. To no avail.

   "Ahhh!" The cat of the night cried out. Little did she realize she still had eight hours to go...

~nine hours later~

   "What a beautiful baby girl!" The nurse had said as she handed the baby to Selina. But she didn't want to look. If she looked she would end up getting attached. And if she got attached she will want to keep it. The little kitten, Her little kitten. And she can't. She can't put her threw the up bringing she had. Of a worthless home and work. Not to mention the constant fear of being harassed or even killed. As was what was certain in Gotham.

   She had already made plans for her at an orphanage. It's not the best, but it's a better place for a baby than here. With luck, she will be adopted quickly, and by a rich family that gives her the best, and prettiest toys. Let's her go to a good school, and wear beautiful jewels. And along with all there love, they would give her a family. Something Selina couldn't imagine having.Something she can't give her.

   But soon enough her curiosity got the better of her. And she looked. And a glance became a stare, and a stare became an ogle, and soon she was crying.

   She made this. She made this beautiful baby, with brown hair already starting to grow in, she knew it would be absolutely beautiful. She can already imagine putting it up in adorable pig tales that made her want to pinch the toddlers cheeks before she went to school. Or braiding it before she had to send her off to bed. And then her cheeks... She had soft skin, that made you want rub her head and face as she softly slept. Taking all of Selina's self control not to coddle the sleeping babe in her arms. Slightly red, but adorable baby, and yet that didn't change anything. She still had to let it go, still had to give away this little one. Because this precious kitten deserves better than what Selina could give her.

   She was absolutely beautiful, and Selina had to give her away. Because this child deserves so much more than she will ever have with her. She kissed the baby on the forehead, and quietly whispered. "Someday you will hate me for this, I know, but I hope you can forgive me, kitten. And I know I shouldn't have let it happen, but...I couldn't help but love you..."

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