Chapter ☝️: Earning A Name

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Author~ I have a lot of original plot here. But if there is anything that won't add up right don't be afraid to tell me! I'm open to criticism. I'm trying my best to make this story as enjoyable as possible!!! Thank you ☺️ ❤️❤️❤️

Kitten's POV
"Again!" Screamed the man in the corner. A little too loud for me, but nothing I can do about it. So I kicked once more at the bag in front of me, obviously filled with something other than sand.

I don't really fell the difference, with all the experiments I can't tell what is easier to hit. But I can hear the difference.

These people have me kick and punch stuff until I don't know any other functions. If I'm not being 'trained' or beaten, I'm getting injections. These chemicals that the scientists think will make them money. It doesn't matter though, at the end of the day they won't kill me. I know they won't kill me, because I'm the only one who was able to survive. 'experiment 17'. So I'm too valuable to just 'kill off'.

Becoming valuable is the only way to survive in here. Well, really survive I mean. Most people who make it to twelve end up either in the 'Angel room' like me, in the 'lab rats' room, or in the other room. We don't talk about that room. Because the only thing that comes back out is the screams of the victims, the men and doctors. Most assume it's just wear they kill you and get it over with, or at least they hope.

I don't think that's it, they already kill people out in the open, for fun. Why would they need a room? It's not like they have any respects from us to lose, so killing us in some vile way? They wouldn't need a room. I can only think of one thing that they would need that for, it's not that hard to guess when you know what the thing is.

Which is why I'm not going to say anything. The kids in here are scared enough, they don't need to know that even if they do survive they might have that fate.

But me? I am surviving. Because I have value to them. Which means that anyone who isn't a Doctor or a trainer has no power over me. They can't kill me, they can't tell me what to do, they can't beat me. Because I'm on a 'tight schedule' and because you can't 'damage the merchandise' as some have been scolded with. So I'm not free, but at least I can have some dignity. And not be crawling on my feet trying to please people that don't really care if I live or die.

Luckily, I haven't messed up today. Which means I won't get beat. Seems I keep getting better and better at getting threw this— then suddenly I kicked the bag and it flew off its chains.

Or not.

I suddenly panic, not knowing what to do. The man in the corner starts laughing. But is he laughing because he gets to hit me, or because someone else will?

I'm paralyzed as he walks closer, not able to hide my fear. I was so close! I wailed in my head. Knowing better than to show them my tears. But I leave a mental note to leave them to cry later, when no one can see me.

He keeps cackling as we enter a smaller room with a metal table and two chairs, on opposite sides of the table. He practically threw me into one of them as he kept up his maniacal laughter. Scaring me more than my mess up.

As I wait I just get more anxious. Repeatedly tapping my foot on the ground. But as soon as the doctor shows up I stop all movements, not wanting to upset him or annoy him, worried it will make it worse. He smiles, again freaking me out more. You never know with these people

"I am proud to say you have passed another level of the testing. Your altered strength and speed is higher than any test before. And as the first one to make it this far we would like to offer you a deal."

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