Chapter ✌️: Little red riding hood.

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Author~ I honestly love this chapter!!! Because I had some 'brotherly love' and if you have siblings this stuff is always fun to hear!! Hope you enjoy 😊 ❤️❤️❤️~

Jason POV

Stupid Dick-head, stupid Tim. I mean, I'm not the one who got his ass handed to him by a little girl! Why isn't he being teased. I swear, they wait for a time to pick on me. But, whatever. I'll just get the girl, get bragging rights, and be home by breakfast. (Though, thinking about it now, taken out of context, that would mean something entirely different. 🧐)

3rd person POV

Alfred set a tray of cookies out for everyone as he glanced at Bruce. "You seem to be in a very pleased mood. May I presume that something good happened while Master Dick was out? I would hate to think you would be happy about your son coming home beaten and bruised."

"I believe," he started. "That girl didn't want to hurt him." Bruce said rather steadily.

"Well, she certainly didn't have much restraint. I don't suppose you would be planning anything... concerning, Master Bruce." Bruce stood up as he pushed in his chair he had a faint smirk on his face. "Alfred. You know me better than that."

Alfred sighed. "Unfortunately, I do, sir."

Reina POV

Today was an injection day. Yippee. Note the joy in my voice. I sat on the metal table with a white nightgown on. They told me that if I met the quota for tonight I could use the rest of the money for my self. The problem was I've never used money before, and if I don't use it on something before I get back, one of the lower ranks are gonna find a way to take it from me. So if I want to keep what I bring back it has to be something they won't want.

So food, money, and anything that can be sold for more than it's worth, was out of the question. But, saving that thought for later, doc just walked in.

"I assume this is going to be even more painful then last time..." I glanced at him, not really wanting to know the answer, yet already knowing. "Don't be like that dear, it's only a test. And for what it's worth, that's all you say anyways. Always the complainers."

That was half true. Doc promised he would teach me to read and write. Only if I behave and do as I'm told. Easier said than done. But I'm making fast progress. I've already found my way around 1-5 grade books. In my opinion they were kind of pointless, but 'Doctor Seuss' wasn't that bad, funny even. He said that I can continue in a month. I didn't ask questions, I know he just wants to have the leverage. He's... funny, like that.

   "It'd be nice if you acted like you wanted me to survive them though."

   "I'm a scientist, failure always leads to a question-"

   "-and a question always leads to an answer. I know." Doc isn't nice to me, always makes it perfectly clear that it doesn't matter if I live or die, it's all about the experiments. But he's the closest thing to a dad I've ever had. I mean, he teaches me, talks with me, and hasn't tried to really kill me, so far so good, right?

   "I see your catching on. Wonderful." He rolls his eyes. But smiles, a little too.

   I put my head back on the metal and made sure to lay still. He cuffed my arms, hands, legs and feet inside steel laches. Doc pushed the needles into both arms and legs, along with the middle of the back of my shoulder blades. My wings flutter at the pinch of pain but I push them against the table to keep them out of the way. Be good. I chant in my head, trying to will my self control as the chemical floods my veins.

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