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A mad dog's coming-of-age ceremony was held in which I was raised by a Duke who was so powerful that even a bird fell. The ducal family, including me, stood side by side behind the podium.
"Congratulations on the coming-of-age ceremony of Penelope Eckart, the Eckart's the only woman. As an honorable nobleman and one loyal people of the Great Empire, so as to make its castle and name known to the world throughout its life…"
On behalf of the Emperor, who was unable to come in person due to illness, a servant under his command issued an edict. The boring speech was repeated. The next order was the congratulatory remarks of the original family.

"The beginning was only a minor aesthetic to escape from the trapped pupa, but now in adulthood, she is a member of the proud Eckart house…"

He said it long and elegant, but now that I'm an adult, he was telling me not to run like I used to. I could see Reynold pointed to the old man and said, 'I think the nagging is about to start.'

The speech of the elder, which seemed to be highly self-possessed, went on as delicate and long as it seemed to be never-ending.

"Therefore, I admit that Penelope Eckhart has grown up, and I formally declare it."

Tak-. At the end, the elder grandfather finished speaking and neatly closed the right-hand file he was holding. There was a thunderous applause from the audience.

I was supposed to hear it silently, without smiling or answering at any other questions. That's all I could do while I was holding this kind of Coming-of-Age ceremony.


As the applause calmed down little by little, the Duke looked at the butler, who was in charge of the ceremony. The butler moved at once. He dragged the tray that he had prepared on one side.

It was the final procedure. Drinking serials as a way of congratulation and reverence between immediate family members.

Of course, this does not end completely, and it has since led to a reception. Anyway, I put my mind down because I was just about to finish it safely.

"But where the hell is Derrick?"

At that time, the Duke asked Renald with an angry voice. I realized only then. That Derrick wasn't in his seat during the ceremony.

Renald frowned as he looked around the hall.

"Oh, I've been looking for him for a long time before, but I can't find him. Should I bring him now, Father?"

"You, go right away to him"

But before the Duke allowed it, the butler arrived. The Duke quickly shut his mouth and again put a friendly expression on his face. On the tray brought by the butler, there were four bottles of liquor and four golden glasses side by side.

"Butler, go ahead. Find Derrick and get him here."

The Duke ordered the butler who handed the glass over him. He soon asked the guests for their understanding.

"Please wait a moment."

The ceremony stopped. I had a new impression because I didn't know that Derrick, who was so thorough, would cause problems.

But that too, for a moment, I took a close look at the maid putting a bottle of liquor and a glass on the

table instead of the butler. Click-.

There was a rather crude gold cup in front of me. It was a monotonous thing with no name written on it, Unlike the Duke's and the fancy glass of his two sons, in which the crest of the family and the beautiful handwriting were engraved.

[Part 2] Death Is The Only Ending For The Villain (FOR OFFLINE READING PURPOSE) Where stories live. Discover now