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The ride to the palace was tiring for Wooyoung. He spent the whole ride by looking out of the window and thinking about his new life in The Imperial Palace. He imagined what kind of person he was going to work for, if he was going to do a lot of heavy lifting, and would he be able to get closer to the prince.

The last one made him feel anxious since judging from how San acted on the night of the incident. He did live up to the rumours. Icy cold voice that could make one shiver, sharp and hypnotizing features that was imprinted in Wooyoung's mind, and the prince even found it amusing that he literally punched a man on his own birthday. If Wooyoung was going to get San to like him he needs to start things slowly and learn from the old Wooyoung's mistakes.

His train of thought broke when he heard the town's clock tower go off in the distance, signaling another hour. Since their mansion was on the more secluded part of the kingdom, Wooyoung estimated that their travel time to get to the palace was around 20 minutes. Just then, the town started to come into view and everything looked amazing. Vendors in their stalls yelling for the people to buy their goods, carts that were being pulled by horses trotted along the road, and the townspeople flooding the place.

Wooyoung stared out of the window like a curious child. Taking in the sight before him as he figured that he might not experience something like this since he'll be busy with work at the castle. He peels his eyes away from the lively town and sticks his head out the window just a little. The soft breeze immediately hits his face, ruffling his hair along with it.

His eyes instantly go wide after seeing the palace that grew closer. He remembered when he visited the place a few nights ago, but the place just looked more remarkable in the daytime. Tall white walls with blue shingles on the roofs, windows and other intricate designs lined the walls, even the trees and grass around the place looked relatively nice. Wooyoung was in awe.

The carriage soon stopped at the front of the palace, there stood a man with a six other servants lined up side by side. The man got near the carriage and opened the door for Wooyoung to step out, Wooyoung got down safely and turned to look at the other carriage that was behind the one he rode in, it being filled with fabrics for the tailor and his own luggage as well. His eyes go back to face the man that was in front of him.

"On behalf of His Majesty, I greet you, Young Lord Jung Wooyoung" The man bowed with the servants following right after.

"It's a pleasure to be here" Wooyoung nodded with a smile, noticing how the man relaxed a little but soon regained his bearings to look more composed and professional. He was probably expecting a spoiled and bratty noble's child.

"You may call me Maddox, and I have been assigned as your personal servant throughout your stay here in The Imperial Palace" Maddox gave the male a small smile.

"Please follow me as I give you a brief tour of the palace while your chattels will be taken care of" The servant turned and began walking into the palace with Wooyoung in tow. The male noting how the inside looked brighter from the sun that entered the various windows and full of life as several maids and servants went around to finish their individual tasks.

"I will only be showing you the main rooms that are worth mentioning for your stay, but other than that you are free to roam and explore the castle. That is of course being mindful that you could run into the members of the royal family"

Wooyoung hummed as a response. Trying to not fuel the thought that he could run into San in these halls during his stay. The two then spent their time touring the palace. The tour consisted of the throne room, a seperate dining room for Wooyoung to use, and a library. Maddox guided the male and told him a few things that he needed to know about the place.

The servant was now leading them to where The Imperial Tailor resided. They climbed stairs and turned at a few hallways till they reached some double doors where when closed the doors created a ribbon carved into them. Maddox knocked three time before hearing a voice telling them to enter. The older twists the knobs and turned to face Wooyoung.

"After you" The male mumbles a small word of thanks and enterns the room. First thing he notices how spacious the place was, maybe half the size of the ballroom that was used for the crown prince's birthday banquet. Mannequins and rolls of fabrics were placed all around the place, work tables that were occupied with their own sewing machine and other miscellaneous items for dress making, and to the corner was a man who sat on a table looking through various sketches of designs. He pauses his work to look at the two new guests in front of him.

"Maddox, I see you brought my new apprentice with you" The man takes his coat that was wrapped around the back of his chair, placing it just on his shoulder. Despite his strict looking face, his words brought out his true personality.

"Young Lord Wooyoung, may I present to you Imperial Tailor, Eden" Wooyoung bows at Eden, feeling excited as he could tell that they were going to get along just fine.

"It's nice to meet you, and I'm also very honoured that you picked me to be your apprentice"

"Oh please, no need to be so formal. You'll be stuck with me for some time, so better to make yourself comfortable" Wooyoung giggled at his words.

The three then chatted for a bit, with Eden mentioning a few things that Wooyoung needed to know during his time as his apprentice. It was two simple tasks; take notes for him and help him. Of course, the man did promise to teach him while they worked.

"If you don't mind me asking, didn't you just arrived today?" Eden asked with slight concern.


"I see, well Maddox should show you to your room next. You must starving and tired by now. Your work starts tomorrow morning" The tailor waves the two goodbye as they leave the workshop.

As Wooyoung listens to Maddox telling him a few rules in the palace while they make their way to his quarters, his eyes suddenly drift off to another hallway. There his eyes stay focus on the person down the hall.


The prince was walking down the stairs with his personal servant listing off some things that was written on a clipboard. Though, it looks like the royal wasn't paying attention to the servant at all and just letting him ramble. The two then turned at the corner, disappearing from Wooyoung's sight.

"I wouldn't look at His Imperial Highness for too long if I were you" Maddox said next to him. Wooyoung now realizing that he had stop walking to openly stare at The Imperial Prince. He gives the servant a questioning look.

"I'm sure you have heard the rumours about him," The two then continue there walk to the male's room. And as much as Wooyoung wanted to argue that he has actually experience one of those rumours, he thought that maybe it was best for him to keep it a secret and instead gives the older a nod.

"And as much as some of those rumours are true, His Imperial Highness actually has a... Dark past that made him how he is today and that no one dares to talk about it. So it is advised that you, Young Lord Wooyoung is to avoid getting caught up in affairs with His Imperial Highness"

Maddox and Wooyoung had now arrived in front of double doors that looked similar to the rest of the double doors that were in the same hallway. The servant opens the doors to let the two of them in. Wooyoung gets surprised by how his room was so big and grand despite for it to be a 'guest room' according to Maddox.

He thought that his room back at the mansion was big, but this one was definitely bigger. If someone could just build a wall in the middle then it could easily be two rooms instead of one. The room's colour scheme was dark blue, white and gold accents, High ceilings and windows to make the room look more spacious than it already was, and in the middle of the room was a small lounge area. Wooyoung's luggage was also in the room as well.

"Please rest comfortably. I'll be back with a tray of food for you" Maddox bows one more time before leaving Wooyoung in the massive room with silence.

This would be an adjustment.

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