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Anxiously, Wooyoung couldn't stop ruining his finger by biting its nail as he sat on the lounge of his room. He's stomach has been boiling with nervousness since earlier and it's astonishing how he hasn't threw up the food that he ate yet.

Today was the day, the battle between the dark magician. Wooyoung made it sound more dramatic in his head but when it was involving his secret lover then no one could stop him.

He was stuck in his own room this time, void of his work as an apprentice as of today, but instead was busy going between calming himself down and thinking of other possible ways to make sure San came back to him alive. The prince told him that the magicians and knights found traces of the dark magician in the eastern woods of the kingdom, and that they plan to fight him there since it was far enough from the main city where it wouldn't cause any more unnecessary damage.

No plan came to him for the past hour or two that he was cooped up in his chambers. That wasn't the only reason he kept himself there though. He couldn't bare seeing San right now. Sure the royal was busy with preparations but even that was still hard to watch as that made things become more real. The prince was actually going to a battlefield where no one knew if he was going to return.

Wooyoung's chaotic thoughts were interrupted when someone came knocking on his door. He let them in without paying much attention to the person until he actually saw who visited him.

Stopping his teeth from going at another finger nail, he felt a lump in his throat. Cautiously, San shut the door behind him. Leaving the two of them in a tense situation. Disregarding the fact that the prince would soon leave for the battle he still looked as dashing as ever. A black long sleeve with the buttons closed all the way with red and gold designs on the sleeves, a red cape sat on his broad shoulders that was secured by a brooch that was in the form of the kingdom's royal symbol, and black leather gloves that matched his boots with the white pants.

The male let his heart beat like crazy at how handsome San looked, yet he couldn't reciprocate the look on his face as it occupied by a more sad look to it. Standing in front of each other, they would have joked about the slight height difference that they have but it wouldn't really do much for the heavy atmosphere around them.

"Maddox told me I would find you here." San piped up, trying to break the silence to which Wooyoung only hummed in response. The shorter played with his fingers while looking at everywhere in his room except for the prince.

"Wooyoung, look at me."

The said male hesitated to turn his head, afraid that he might breakdown right in front the prince and that he'll might just beg him to stay. However, after another call from the other he listens this time.

The royal had his arms stretched out, signaling one thing. And Wooyoung didn't hesitate this time as he tumbles right into the hug. His arm found its safety around San's neck while the other rested on his chest were his heart beated steadily, hugging him as close as possible while the prince connected his cheek on top of the male's head. The arms around his waist began to shuffle lower until he felt his legs getting up from the ground, and before he knew it the royal was carrying him. Getting rid of the most smallest space between them not caring if they wrinkled up each other's clothes.

Wooyoung dipped his face into the crook of the other's neck to take in his natural scent and warmth. He was terrified now. Hating that things needed to be this way. The male felt the royal's lips on him as he removed himself from his neck to kiss San back. Unlike last night, the kiss was slow, passionate, and full of love.

The apprentice felt themselves - well technically just San - move from where they stood in the middle of his room and towards somewhere else while their lips were still locked with one another. He soon feels the softness of his bed underneath him as the prince still had a hand on his right thigh.

Their kiss had to come to a stop however, as both of their lungs were being deprived of oxygen. And Wooyoung had no idea that that was the somehow keeping him stable as he soon felt something wet run down the side of his head. Making the royal widen his eyes at the sight of a tear.

"Shhh, don't cry my beautiful."

It hadn't even registered in the male's mind that he was crying until San tried comforting him. Yet, it only caused more tears to flow down his face that he even had to sit up to avoid getting his ear filled with the salty liquid.

The two find themselves sitting beside one another on the bed while Wooyoung kept letting out silent sobs with San hugging him and whispered sweet nothings in his ear. Eventually, the male had settle down with only a few sniffles and a red nose. He also clears his throat to speak up.

"I know that neither of us can promise that you'll get back here safe, but I still wish you could." Lips began pecking his face while a hand rested around his waist. Wooyoung felt safe like this for sure. Nothing but San's kisses, touches, and whole being made him feel vulnerable in a good way.

"And I will come back to you. I'll fight that bastard of a magician with all my might and shower you with all of my love when I return."

Their noses nuzzle together, making the shorter scrunch his up and smile before he gets pulled back in for what might be their last kiss by San. With the last longing kiss, the prince gets up and fix his clothes before reaching his hand out for the other male.

"Now come, I'm pretty sure I heard Jongho say that we have guests."

Wordlessly, the male takes a hold of the royal's hand as they exit his room to head over to the palace's entrance, not caring if any castle servants saw their hands together. At their arrival, Wooyoung had expected for his friends to be the guests that San mentioned, and he was right. He also guessed that they were here for their soulmates, and he was right again as he and the prince watched them bid their goodbyes like them just a while ago. And surprisingly, Yeosang was having trouble with parting with the second prince.

Wooyoung had to giggle into his and San's connected hands to not disturb them. His friend had wrap his arms around his lover's shoulders while Jongho did the same around the other's waist as well as whispered some reassuring words.

"Sangie, you do know that you are making this harder for the both of us." Jongho sighed while he patted Yeosang's hair.

"I don't care. We haven't even announced that we're together yet and I'm afraid that won't happen. Plus, I've been meaning to show us off to those lousy noble daughters who keep throwing themselves at you."

The male growled the last part, hating that his lover was getting attacked by no good women who barely had anything to offer, except for possibly the next heir but he knew adoption was an option on the table. The second prince clutched his jaw to pull him into a kiss to make sure that Yeosang knew that he was the only one for him.

Wooyoung felt a little nudge on his right shoulder to see that San was looking back at him. He could see the unspoken emotions that he wanted to convey and Wooyoung returned it with a smile gracing his lips. Their hands slowly parted making them immediately miss the small warmth.

"That's enough Jongho." The older interrupted as he passed them, with Wooyoung giggling again at how his friend quickly hid his embarrassment into the younger prince's neck when they finished their make out session. Jongho glared back to his brother before pulling Yeosang back for one last kiss as they now had to let go of each other.

Wooyoung also watched how Hongjoong and Yunho bid Seonghwa and Mingi their goodbyes since ironically enough, it would just be the four of them who would be fighting the dark magician from what San told him. The male walked with the prince until he sattled his horse outside. Wooyoung stared at the royal's gloved hand in front of him before he decided to place his own hand on it. Butterflies awaken in him as San presses his plump lips onto his knuckles while staring right back at him. They knew the six pairs of eyes that were on them but didn't say anything as the royal pulled back one last time.

"To the eastern forest." San exclaims, making his horse go by flicking the reigns. The other three followed the prince as Wooyoung and his friends watched their lovers go, praying for them to be safe and make it back alive.

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